Biography of Rt.-Rev. J. P. Machebeuf of Denver Colorado

Portrait and biographical record of Denver and vicinity, Colorado

Rt.-Rev. J. P. Machebeuf is remembered by all who knew him as a talented bishop, a tireless worker and a genial friend. He was born in Rione, France, August 11, 1812, and was ordained to the priesthood on Christmas of 1836. For three years he was in charge of a parish near Clermont, after which, in 1839, he came to America. He spent a short time in Cincinnati, where he made a study of the English language and became familiar with its use. January 1, 1840, he was ordered to Sandusky, Ohio, where he built the first church in the … Read more

Biography of Bradford H. Dubois of Denver Colorado

Portrait and biographical record of Denver and vicinity, Colorado

Bradford H. Dubois, president of the State Sanitary Board, has been very successfully connected with the mining interests of Colorado. Coming to Colorado in 1877, he, with Gen. John A. Logan, Governor Routt and J. V. Holcomb, hired a large carriage for the season and, amply provided with provisions, set out for the mining regions of the state, In July of that year they arrived in Oro. In February of the next year Leadville, three miles below Oro, was located and named. At the suggestion of J. J. DuBois, the only brother of our subject, the original name of Stabtown … Read more

Biography of Hon. Horace A. W. Tabor of Denver Colorado

Portrait and biographical record of Denver and vicinity, Colorado

The old adage, “Truth is stranger than fiction,” finds exemplification in this, the most famous of the men who crossed the plains in 1859 and became the pioneers in the development of the mining resources of Colorado. For years newspapers chronicled his successes, reporters wrote glowing descriptions of his triumphs in this modern El Dorado, and people, both in this country and throughout the entire civilized world, were attracted by the spectacle of a man who rose by such rapid bounds to the pinnacle of fortune and under whose leadership, like that of Midas of old, every path became a … Read more

Biography of David H. Moffat of Denver, Colorado

David H. Moffat of Denver, Colorado

He who contributes to the commercial prosperity of a place; who, by his judgment and foresight, assists in the development of its resources; in whose hands large financial trusts are placed and safely, faithfully guarded; such an one may justly be called a public benefactor. To this class belongs Mr. David H. Moffat, president of the First National Bank of Denver, and long one of Denver’s most progressive and distinguished citizens. It would be impossible to write an accurate history of Denver and omit mention of his connection with the city, which has been his home since 1860, and the … Read more

Biography of R. T. Eskridge, M. D. of Denver, Colorado

Portrait and biographical record of Denver and vicinity, Colorado

R. T. Eskridge, M. D., president of the State Board of Lunacy, ex-president of the Colorado State Medical Society, is one of Denver’s most prominent physicians. In the profession he is regarded as an authority on nervous and mental diseases and he has written one hundred and five articles upon this type of disease for medical journals in this country. A number of his contributions have been translated into other languages and copied in their medical journals. He has written for “Practical Therapeutics” by Foster, “American Textbook of Applied Therapeutics” by Wilson, “American System of Practical Medicine” by Loomis and … Read more

Biography of Lewis E. Lemen, M. D. of Denver, Colorado

Portrait and biographical record of Denver and vicinity, Colorado

Lewis E. Lemen, M. D., president of the Colorado State Medical Society, and surgeon for the Union Pacific Railroad, was born in Belleville, St. Clair County, Ill., April 1, 1849. The first of his ancestors who settled in America was his great-grandfather, James Lemen, a native of Scotland, but in early manhood an emigrant to Harper’s Ferry, Va., and during the Revolution a brave defender of the colonial honor. After the war closed he was sent west by the government in order to locate lands for soldiers in the western territory. He settled in St. Clair County, of which he … Read more

Biography of Hon. Jerome B. Chaffee of Denver, Colorado

Hon. Jerome B. Chaffee

From whatever point the life and character of Senator Jerome B. Chaffee may be viewed, whether as the head of large and valuable mining interests, the organizer and first president of the First National Bank of Denver, or as a man of public affairs, devoted to the welfare of his state and intensely interested in its progress, it will be readily conceded that he was a great man. His representation of Colorado in the United States senate was of such a nature as to reflect credit upon his own high order of talents and secure for him the regard of … Read more

Biography of A. B. Daniels of Denver, Colorado

Portrait and biographical record of Denver and vicinity, Colorado

During the ’70s there was no citizen of Denver who was more intimately associated with its business interests or held a position higher in the confidence of the people than did Mr. A. B. Daniels, and his death, which occurred April 8, 1881, was mourned as a public loss. His great business ability was recognized by all, and was the chief factor in his financial success; another, and scarcely less vital force in his success, was his boundless energy, the enterprise that no obstacle daunted, the industry that the hardest labor could not diminish. A member of an old family … Read more

Biography of John W. Iliff of Denver, Colorado

Portrait and biographical record of Denver and vicinity, Colorado

Among the men who gained fortune in Colorado was one who was known all over the country as the “cattle king” of this state. When people by thousands were coming west during the Pike’s Peak excitement, John W. Iliff decided to join the tide of emigration that moved westward. He had the sound common sense to bring with him a wagon train of provisions, and these he sold in Denver at a large profit. With this money he bought a small herd of cattle, the nucleus of the immense cattle business he afterward conducted. Studying his chosen occupation with care … Read more

Biography of Hon. Henry Moore Teller of Central City, Colorado

Hon. Henry Moore Teller of Central City, Colorado

In its entire history as a state it is doubtful if Colorado has given to assist in framing the laws of the nation, any citizen who has attained a fame equal to that of Hon. Henry Moore Teller. His name is indelibly written upon the annals of his state and his country. Through his long and brilliant career as United States senator he has not only retained the friendship of his political supporters, but has won the admiration even of those whose opinions upon political subjects are diametrically opposed to his own. He stands now, near the climax of his … Read more

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