1880 Denver Colorado Directory

1880 Denver Colorado Directory

This is an 1880 City Directory for Denver Colorado that was published by Corbett, Hoye & Co. City directories are frequently disregarded, yet they hold valuable information for genealogists. They go beyond the limited details found in census records and offer insights into the lives of our ancestors. Published annually, these directories serve as a window into urban life by documenting residents, businesses, and community institutions. Here’s a guide on utilizing their potential for your family history research:

Cemetery Research in Denver, Colorado

Locating the burial place of your ancestors in the Denver area may prove challenging due to certain factors. The earliest cemeteries, Mount Prospect and Acacia, have been relocated and their records are no longer available. Furthermore, death records in Denver were not required until 1900 and were not consistently recorded until about 1925. This article will help explain where your ancestor may now lie buried.

Biography of Hon. Job Adams Cooper of Denver Colorado

Hon. Job Adams Cooper of Denver Colorado

Hon. Job Adams Cooper, governor of Colorado, 1889-91, was born near Greenville, Bond County, Ill., and is a son of Charles and Maria (Hadley) Cooper. In Galesburg, Illinois, September 17, 1867, Mr. Cooper married Miss Jane O. Barnes, daughter of Rev. Romulus E. Barnes, one of the early Congregational home missionaries of Illinois.

Biography of Hon. John Long Routt of Denver Colorado

Governor John Long Routt, 1876

Life for John Long Routt began in Caldwell County, Kentucky, April 25, 1826. Early orphaned by his father’s death, the boy was taken to Illinois by his mother and attended the public schools there. In 1862 he raised Company E, of the Ninety-fourth Illinois Infantry, which was mustered in at Bloomington with himself as captain. He married Martha Haggard, who was born in Clark County, Kentucky, of Welsh descent. He became the last territorial and the first state governor of Colorado, also governor in 1891-93.

Biography of Hon. Fred Dick, A. M., of Denver, Colorado

Portrait and biographical record of Denver and vicinity, Colorado

Hon. Fred Dick, A. M., formerly state superintendent of schools of Colorado, now principal of the Denver Normal and Preparatory School, was born in the town of Aurora, Erie County, N. Y., May 17, 1852. He is the descendant of ancestors who came from Holland and settled in Pennsylvania in an early day. His father, J. B., who was a native of New York and a farmer by occupation, was, under President Lincoln, appointed assessor of internal revenue in western New York, his territory embracing fourteen counties. He held the position until Andrew Johnson became president, when he resigned. Under … Read more

Biography of Hon. William N. Byers of Denver, Colorado

Hon. William N. Byers of Denver Colorado

Hon. William N. Byers of Denver Colorado was born in Madison County, Ohio, February 22, 1831, son of Moses Watson Dyers and Mary A. Brandenburg. His name associated with the founding and early history of Denver’s oldest paper, the Rocky Mountain News.

Biography of Frederick J. Bancroft, M. D. of Denver Colorado

Portrait and biographical record of Denver and vicinity, Colorado

Frederick J. Bancroft, M. D. The eminence attained by Dr. Bancroft in his profession, and his high character as a citizen, have won for him a place among the most influential of the physicians and surgeons residing in Denver. The fact that he has been called to many positions of trust, professional, military and educational, testifies to the recognition of his ability by others. During the long period of his residence in Denver he has aided in the carrying out of progressive enterprises for the benefit of the place; his most valuable service probably being his articles relating to the … Read more

Biography of George B. Ross-Lewin of Denver Colorado

Portrait and biographical record of Denver and vicinity, Colorado

George B. Ross-Lewin, cashier of the First National Bank of Denver, was born in the city of Rochester, N. Y., March 28, 1857, and is of Irish parentage, but of Welsh descent. The first of the name in the United States was his grandfather, Francis Burton Ross-Lewin, who settled in Rochester and made that city his home until his death. The father, W. H. Ross-Lewin, was born in the north of Ireland and accompanied his parents to Rochester, where, on attaining manhood, he embarked in the mercantile business and continued a successful and extensive business luau until his retirement. In … Read more

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