Biography of Owen W. Hoskins

1920 Mesa County Colorado Map

The fast-fading race of western pioneers, whose history at different time and places has varied in incident and feature but has been the same in privation, danger, heroic endurance and magnitude of achievement, is an oft told tale which never loses its interest, has an illustrious member in the person of Owen W. Hoskins, of Mesa county, this state, and others in his parents and other members of his family, This story is one of continual aggression against the wilderness and its savage denizens, and an unebbing tide of conquest over tremendous odds, where the spread and perpetuity of human … Read more

Biography of Gustave Van Hoorebeke

1920 Mesa County Colorado Map

Successful in the practice of his profession, the law, and also in commercial and banking business, and devoting all the energies of his strong and well-trained mind to the interest of the section of this state in which he has cast his lot, Gustave Van Hoorebeke, of Grand Junction, has been of great and highly valued service in the progress and development of western Colorado, and is recognized on all sides as one of its most representative and influential citizens. It was in the historic city of Ghent, in Belgium, with its time-honored cathedral, its renowned university and its valiant … Read more

Biography of J. S. Hollingsworth

1920 Mesa County Colorado Map

J. S. Hollingsworth, one of the progressive and enterprising fruit men of the Mesa county, living in the vicinity of Grand Junction, is a Southerner by birth and training, and has all the independence of thought and action and the self- reliance characteristic of that section. He is a native of Raleigh, North Carolina, born in 1832, and the son of John and Araminta (Hobbs) Hollingsworth, the fifth of their twelve children. His boyhood and youth were spent in his native state and he received his education in its district schools. At the age of twenty-one he crossed the pains … Read more

Biography of M. D. Holland

1920 Mesa County Colorado Map

The versatile and adaptable people of the Emerald Isle, who can make themselves at home in any country, and mold a shapely destiny out of any plastic condition that fate may fling before them; who are never at a loss for an answer and never without a resource in trouble; and who have dignified and adorned every line of active life at home and abroad, have done much for the civilization and development of the wild places of America, and enrich those already settled and civilized with the triumphs of intellect, the power of genius and the graces of social … Read more

Biography of T. C. Hickman

1920 Mesa County Colorado Map

Among the commercial enterprises which contribute most essentially and substantially to the business interests and vitality of Grand Junction, the Grand Junction Lumber Company is entitled to a high regard for the extent of its operations and the straightforward and skillful manner in which it is managed. It was established in March, 1903, and incorporated with a capital stock of eighteen thousand dollars, as the successor to the lumber firm of Mayo & Endner, which had conducted the business, with some changes of partnership, for a number of years. The officers of the company at this time (1904) are M.W. … Read more

Biography of William Henry

1920 Mesa County Colorado Map

The last born of his parents’ fourteen children, and losing his father by death when he was but eleven years of age, William Henry, of Mesa county, a prosperous and progressive ranchman living at Collbran, came into the world with a destiny of toil and privation before him, and entered on his portion early in life. He is a native of Pennsylvania, where his life began in 1845, and is the son of John and Sarah (Brobst) Henry, also native in that state, where the father was an industrious farmer. He died in 1856, at the age of forty-one, leaving … Read more

Biography of Edward Henry

1920 Mesa County Colorado Map

Almost every clime and tongue on the face of the globe has contributed to the growth and development of this country, all in fact except the benighted savages of several parts of the world which are still under the dominion of absolute barbarism. Edward Henry, a prosperous and enterprising stock-grower and farmer of Mesa county, living seven miles northwest of Grand Junction, is a contribution from Persia, where he was born in 1843. He is the son of Frederick and Eliza Henry, of that country, who were occupied there in tilling the soil. In 1851 they emigrated to the United … Read more

Biography of Leroy Hedges, M.D.

1920 Mesa County Colorado Map

The medical fraternity of this country comprises one of the most useful and continuously active classes of its people. Not only do its practitioners go about among their fellows alleviating pain and averting disaster in a physical sense, but they are disseminators of the best public opinion, guides and directors of public thought and action, conservative forces in every community for the preservation of its most vital interests and the prevention of many forms of wrong through hasty and ill-considered activity. To this class belongs Dr. Leroy C. Hedges, one of the prominent and highly esteemed professional men of Mesa … Read more

Biography of Knud Hanson, M.D.

1920 Mesa County Colorado Map

From the ragged coast of Norway to the mountains of Colorado is a wide sweep in longitude and conditions, and might well suggest unfitness in a person born and reared on the one for agreeable and useful life in the other. That the suggestion is without force is proven by the career of Dr. Knud Hanson, one of the most prominent physicians of Grand Junction, which is an impressive illustration of the fact that to a man of real force and capacity circumstances and conditions are only incidents to be commanded to service and are not allowed to dominate life … Read more

Biography of Augustus Hall

1920 Mesa County Colorado Map

From that land of thrift and industry, patient plodding and large achievements, Germany, which has contributed so largely and so serviceably to the development of this country, came Augustus Hall, of Mesa county, living not far from the village of Whitewater and about twelve miles southwest of Grand Junction. He was born in the fatherland in 1843, and is the son of John and Elizabeth (Ruland) Hall, also natives in that country. They came to the United States in 1846 and settled at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, but after a residence of a few years there moved to Missouri and afterward to … Read more

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