The alphabetical name index which follows is a listing of the name of each inmate and their inmate number who’s surname begins with an A. The Prisoner Record and Record of Convicts may be obtained by contacting the Colorado State Archives. There is also a photographic record, commonly referred to as a “mug shot” available for most prisoners.
See Also:
Last Name, First Name – Inmate Number
Fabrizio, Sam 12077
Fadely, Cleo L 26306
Fadiga, Vernalia 21891
Faenger, William Lawrence 33646
Fafoya, Juan 9523
Faga, John J 25017
Fagan, Thomas 3792
Fagenbush, Lloyd Raymond 29972
Fagg, William 28055
Fagin, Edwin Evans 39173
Fahen, D F 1773
Fahey, James J 13781
Fahey, William 21909
Fahler, Max R 27277
Fails, Robert 21752
Faimon, George 15299
Fain, William H 25934
Fair, J M 14390
Fairbrother, Edwin R 33861
Fairchild, Clarence 26778
Fairchild, G W 22104
Fairchild, George William 30503
Fairchild, W E 2836
Fairfield, F W 7789
Fairhurst, Edward Wilson 33712
Fakoris, Harry 12689
Falchi, Al 20699
Falcon, Foster V 32049
Falcon, Foster Victor 30479
Falcon, Pedro Jr 27480
Falcon, Raymond 30466
Falcon, Raymond Ribalda 31440
Falcon, Raymond Ribaldo 33379
Falcon, Raymond Ribaldo 33690
Falcone, Tony 7300
Faler, Roy 16717
Fales, Ned 4044
Falgout, Frank L 40833
Falgout, Frank Luis 39494
Falkestrom, “Gus” K A 2528
Fall, Call 16259
Fallan, Jack (Alias) 12679
Fallec, Darrel K 38263
Fallon, Evin A 12679
Fallon, George 1525
Fallon, George 21439
Fallon, Robert Edward 25715
Fallon, Tom 4579
Fallon, Tom 5705
Falls, Charles 7384
Falsetta, Jim 15767
Falvey, William 983
Fambrough, William 11429
Fancher, Jack 9542
Fancher, Jacob 13782
Fancher, Jerry Edward 39453
Fancher, Leonard 41398
Fancher, Lyn June 28276
Fancher, Wayne A 41392
Fandrich, Richard Alvin 33064
Fanning, J D 17460
Fanning, Thomas 10752
Farber, John Edwin 26828
Farcasin, Theodore 18106
Fare, D W (Alias) 1930
Fargo, Calvin 6326
Farham, Thaddius Milton 27897
Fariem, D C 12917
Faris, Hram 9346
Faris, William E 36442
Farland, Phillip 5737
Farley, George 36233
Farley, James Gaylord 37928
Farley, John William 5429
Farmer, Amos V 16201
Farmer, Bobby Joe 36425
Farmer, E J 16197
Farmer, E J 20111
Farmer, James Fletcher 13762
Farmer, John 8041
Farmer, John L 15426
Farmer, Robert K 34168
Farmer, Robert N 30617
Farmer, Stanley Eugene 28501
Farnam, Charles H 4135
Farnam, Earl 18138
Farnelli, Ernest 6454
Farneux, Charles 8658
Farnham, Leroy 33209
Farnsworth, LeRoy L 8341
Farnum, Henry P 275
Farr, Arthur 3560
Farrell, C C 25641
Farrell, C C 27468
Farrell, Charles 7590
Farrell, Elbert H 21189
Farrell, James 736
Farrell, James 1552
Farrell, James 2462
Farrell, James 2983
Farrell, James F 5493
Farrell, John 4848
Farrell, John 15660
Farrell, John Francis 34975
Farrell, Luke 13993
Farrell, Robert Russell 26403
Farrell, William 16173
Farrelle, Jerry 3727
Farrenkopf, V W 17256
Farrer, Alonzo 1281
Farrer, Jake 11379
Farres, Juan 15992
Farries, Charlie 16918
Farrin, James J 670
Farrington, Pete 17225
Farrington, Pete 19717
Farris, Dennis Ray 39604
Farris, Gust 17489
Farris, James L 12198
Farris, Ralph 27053
Farris, Ralph Moss 25402
Farris, Robert 18963
Farro, Frank 9835
Farrow, Frank 6566
Farry, John 23159
Faser, William Boyd 34522
Fassold, Sherril Arthur 24078
Faubion, George L 19825
Faucat, Fred P 24855
Faucetta, Parenza 28058
Faucetta, Parenza 41100
Faulk, Louise 32608
Faulk, Terry Reese 37326
Faulkner, Frank 3832
Faulkner, James Edwin 29811
Faulkner, Morris L 31055
Faulkner, W G 12307
Faurall, Clifton Calvan 22668
Fauver, Louis 22447
Fauver, Louis R 23145
Favcett, John N 15958
Favors, James Hardie 40948
Fawcett, John 7607
Fawcett, John 8365
Fawcett, John 9170
Fawcett, John M 12291
Fawcett, John N 13438
Fawcett, W H 14045
Fawver, Alfred William 34233
Fay, Herschel C 12008
Fay, J Edward 3331
Fay, James 382
Fay, John 4323
Fay, Richard Henry 38012
Faycede, Fred 9219
Fazella, Albert 21119
Fazella, Alfred (Alias) 21119
Fazo, D 5968
Fearing, C E 4857
Fearn, Donald 22699
Fearn, Gail Eugene 23913
Fearn, William H 4728
Fears, Lee Campbell 23164
Feasel, Monte Erwin 26810
Feaster, D W 611
Featherston, Will 8016
Featherstone, Harold 12288
Featherstone, Hornback 20786
Federico, Joe 19813
Fee, J Arthur 25342
Fee, Orville Taylor 24224
Feeback, James 18566
Feeback, James Henry 16286
Feemster, Larry 37127
Feenan, Bert 5543
Feeney, John Joseph 22999
Fegan, Charles 15841
Fehen, O H 7638
Fehrer, Walter 16878
Feigt, Arthur Lee 36550
Feigt, Raymond Allen 33737
Feit, Leroy 31871
Felch, Edward 27373
Felder, John 3932
Felder, Juanita 18950
Felderman, Theodore W 30798
Feldermann, John H 615
Feldman, H H 13880
Feldman, H H (Alias0 615
Feldstein, Benjamin Jr 34288
Felicia, Virginia 27877
Felipe, Pedro 17778
Felix, Antonio 34899
Felix, Viola Chavez 40711
Felker, James 22713
Felkins, Earl C 19969
Fell, August 12431
Fell, August 16665
Fellingham, Brian E 41493
Felner, Irving 30596
Felst, John 1599
Felt, Carl 17162
Felt, Carl 18223
Feltes, Robert 39694
Feltman, Arthur B 24809
Felts, Harold 18806
Felts, Jimmy 18433
Felty, Edward Matthew 22199
Fender, Allen Paul 39869
Fender, Edgar S 818
Fenn, James David 28644
Fennegan, James P 33299
Fennel, Rex 29415
Fennell, Karl Roy 37750
Fennell, Rex E 22135
Fennell, William Alonzo 33994
Fenolia, Tony 5057
Fensterman, Ben 13109
Fenton, Charles 1456
Fenton, Gerald T 18635
Fenton, Jack 13769
Fenton, John Michael 38014
Fenton, R H 19354
Fenton, W H 10192
Feralito, Nicholas F 29698
Ferbrache, Charles 16291
Ferchaw, Arthur Edward 31537
Fercho, Arthur 34047
Ferderber, Tony 12399
Fergerson, B V 3415
Fergeson, Donald R 35628
Fergus, Don 22800
Ferguson, Albert 19321
Ferguson, Charles B 335
Ferguson, Charles W 34369
Ferguson, Charles Willard 28212
Ferguson, Dan C 2951
Ferguson, Dan E 18781
Ferguson, Daniel Edward 37263
Ferguson, J Lawrence 13155
Ferguson, J Roy 22176
Ferguson, J T 10991
Ferguson, James 23585
Ferguson, James F Jr 30539
Ferguson, James Franklin 36769
Ferguson, James O 36171
Ferguson, John 8418
Ferguson, John 30745
Ferguson, Joseph F 17297
Ferguson, L Ward 20554
Ferguson, Lon 10416
Ferguson, Lucius Ward 23418
Ferguson, Marylu C 27778
Ferguson, Needham 21194
Ferguson, Robert H 30523
Ferguson, Roy 16099
Ferguson, Roy 24102
Ferguson, Roy A 25414
Ferguson, S J 18382
Ferguson, Thomas Harold 22155
Ferguson, Thomas Y 6869
Ferguson, Victor E 34582
Ferguson, Vivian 35133
Ferguson, W M 5196
Ferguson, W P 25051
Ferguson, Walter J 33934
Fernandez, Alexander 23569
Fernandez, Arsensio 24459
Fernandez, Avelino 16838
Fernandez, Charles 25370
Fernandez, Charles 27307
Fernandez, Corellio S 27921
Fernandez, Edwardo 16777
Fernandez, George 28221
Fernandez, George 29597
Fernandez, Gilbert Jose 29221
Fernandez, Gregorio R 24141
Fernandez, Jackson B 41744
Fernandez, Jesus 1176
Fernandez, Joe D 39146
Fernandez, Juan 8790
Fernandez, Juan 37171
Fernandez, Lee 17446
Fernandez, Lee 19330
Fernandez, Lee M 22694
Fernandez, Leo 26793
Fernandez, Leo Albert 32012
Fernandez, Manuel 11716
Fernandez, Manuel 28124
Fernandez, Marcelino 430
Fernandez, Maria 11018
Fernandez, Mike 33675
Fernandez, Pete 17682
Fernandez, Ralph 31020
Fernandez, Ramon 17614
Fernandez, Raymond Joe 29297
Fernandez, Robert 24724
Fernandez, Severo 15221
Fernandez, Tom 22211
Fernandez, Tony 26506
Fernandez, Tony 32003
Fernandez, Tony Paul 28275
Fernandez, Tony Paul 33505
Fernavgh, Elmer 8642
Fernow, Charles F 4164
Ferraro, Nicolo 5070
Ferre, Leland I 23734
Ferrell, Edward 30721
Ferrell, James C 9936
Ferrell, Joseph 33050
Ferrell, Joseph 37961
Ferrell, Robert E 40278
Ferrell, Robert L 38965
Ferrera, Mildred 34308
Ferrero, Bruce 38351
Ferrero, J D 11318
Ferrin, Stephen Wayne 36668
Ferris, Charles Wesley 23066
Ferris, Hurley 16375
Ferris, Joseph Stanley 36173
Ferris, Thomas J 16356
Ferris, William H 3749
Ferro, Louis John 31377
Ferron, William 959
Ferry, Charles 5763
Ferry, Charles 9933
Ferry, Thomas “Tom” 8664
Fertig, Henry Jacob 19477
Fertig, S Wesley 17309
Fess, Walter Jr 26721
Festa, Fiora 14080
Fetterly, Joseph C 323
Fetterman, Nasthanial P 8810
Fetty, Albert Lee 28193
Fetty, Charles A 8374
Feugate, Robert James 40975
Feurt, Jack 39644
Feurt, Jack S 36818
Feurt, Woodie 15733
Feurt, Woodie 16845
Feurt, Woodie Nae 25229
Feust, Jack 27689
Feust, Woodie 18584
Few, Hugh Franklin 26412
Feyerheim, Herman 7685
Fhuere, Louis 20499
Fical, William Charles 21522
Ficehurst, Alfred A 242
Fichthorn, Frank R 18461
Fick, Francis J 34451
Fick, William C 34922
Fickes, Howard C 22679
Fickes, Howard C 24618
Fidler, Cannon Everett 38645
Fidler, David 2156
Fidler, Ray 21291
Fiechtner, Robert 36543
Fiedler, Earl Allen 29977
Fiedler, Elmer Fielder 14139
Fiedler, George 25428
Fiedler, George 34620
Field, Conrad 28957
Field, Fred Kendrick 16380
Field, George 18464
Field, Joseph 3065
Field, Robert J 26120
Fielden, John 1909
Fielding, John O (Alias) 4773
Fields, Boyce 22768
Fields, Charles Edward 40111
Fields, Eugene 29501
Fields, Frank 15174
Fields, Frank Chester 24892
Fields, Fred Junior 28253
Fields, Harvey B 8883
Fields, Homer Fred 11047
Fields, J W G 2493
Fields, John H 8152
Fields, Kenneth E 15047
Fields, Lula 6729
Fierce, Warren 22846
Fierro, Bethel 23460
Fierro, Bethel R 25597
Fierro, Bethel Robert”Bob 27216
Fierro, Cruz Martinez 29887
Fierro, Robert Moreno 29809
Fierrot, Fred 23604
Fiet, Leroy 26248
Fife, Richard D 33391
Fiffles, Sam 7857
Figg, Wallace 31451
Figgs, Charles Redmond 8886
Fightmaster, Charles 6521
Figueiredo, Richard 26519
Fikes, Joe B 32604
Filer, Billy R 32259
Files, David 1759
Fillbrown, J D 8245
Fillmore, Edward 1940
Fillmore, J C 3294
Filmore, Edward F 4386
Fina, Thomas 6094
Finch, Clifford Howard 27653
Finch, Clifford Howard 29513
Finch, Clifford Howard 31197
Finch, Clifford Howard 34425
Finch, James M 15404
Finch, John 1445
Finch, Lawrence S 31789
Finch, Lawrence S 34546
Finch, R W 11683
Finch, Thomas 3084
Finch, Tom 22280
Fincher, Stanley E 4558
Finck, Grover C 10799
Fincke, William Hans 28580
Findlay, William 16467
Findley, Joe 35819
Findley, Philip 32279
Findley, Phillip W 40518
Fine, Morris 33230
Fine, R G 11601
Finger, Robert 31540
Fink, Edward 2922
Fink, Frank 11889
Fink, Gene 22462
Fink, James Alvern 34298
Fink, Lee 2081
Fink, Lee A 2503
Fink, Paul 31449
Finke, Albert G 7478
Finkelstein, Paul 19173
Finlay, Arlie 9160
Finley, Charlotte R 36270
Finley, Everett Jackson 38133
Finley, Francis Eugene 30351
Finley, Loyd 19984
Finley, Robert 6552
Finley, Russel 21708
Finley, Russell 27012
Finley, William L 17345
Finn, Anthony T 41143
Finn, Dollie 5816
Finn, Ferris Harold Jose 28236
Finn, Jimmie Lee 39395
Finn, Joe 28710
Finn, Tom 27225
Finn, Tom 28237
Finn, William 36755
Finnegan, George O 5004
Finnelly, Gene 18085
Finney, George 17084
Finney, Sammy K 39728
Finney, Vernon 21097
Finney, Walter William 11996
Finnie, Lawrence 10506
Finningsdorf, Beatrice 8752
Finnis, P M 7167
Fint, William E 25951
Fintzel, Harry Vernon 35945
Fiorini, Carmelia M N 6658
Fire, Marilyn 31646
Firkins, Leon W 38444
Firkins, Max 21430
Firkins, Max P 22560
Firkins, Rex 21431
Firkins, Rex W 22570
Firkins, Rex W 23676
Firnstahl, Urban 12856
Fischbeck, Charles 5567
Fischer, Mable 9533
Fischer, William G 30941
Fish, Clarence 21046
Fish, Clyde 8823
Fish, James 2688
Fish, Ralph 7347
Fish, Ralph 8284
Fish, Sam 7997
Fishback, Pete 17133
Fisher, Adam 2469
Fisher, Arthur H 14337
Fisher, Carl 18357
Fisher, Carl D 22213
Fisher, Carl Joseph 24714
Fisher, Charles 1267
Fisher, Charles 1289
Fisher, Charles (Alias) 1385
Fisher, Claud Jay 31583
Fisher, David 3915
Fisher, Donald 34205
Fisher, Donald G 30297
Fisher, E J 13178
Fisher, Edward J 707
Fisher, Frank L 16453
Fisher, Fred 36843
Fisher, G C 10084
Fisher, George 4909
Fisher, George 12761
Fisher, George 13992
Fisher, George S 16081
Fisher, H L 19515
Fisher, Henry Earl 34659
Fisher, Howard 5931
Fisher, Irwin L 2611
Fisher, J H 4434
Fisher, Jack 12261
Fisher, Jack 33832
Fisher, Jacob 186
Fisher, John 2467
Fisher, John 4299
Fisher, John 13490
Fisher, John F 21470
Fisher, Leslie 15654
Fisher, Leslie 17306
Fisher, Leslie 20902
Fisher, Leslie E 18114
Fisher, M P 12520
Fisher, Marvin E 36448
Fisher, Melvin 10307
Fisher, Peter R 41782
Fisher, Roscoe K 14276
Fisher, Thomas 5541
Fisher, Thomas 18796
Fisher, U S 3128
Fisher, William C 17694
Fishman, Alic 14238
Fisk, Arthur 20813
Fisk, Arthur 22401
Fisk, Arthur Jr 24955
Fisk, Charles 1625
Fiske, Oscar A 7327
Fitch, Catherine D 7432
Fitch, James H 91
Fitch, John 2324
Fitchell, John 3309
Fite, Homer 15795
Fite, Leroy 25174
Fitz, Nathaniel Charles 37965
Fitzgerald, Donald Lee 35496
Fitzgerald, E R 18284
Fitzgerald, Edward 9392
Fitzgerald, Edward A 7616
Fitzgerald, Edward F 15569
Fitzgerald, James 1914
Fitzgerald, James R 35469
Fitzgerald, John 19811
Fitzgerald, John “Jack” 4628
Fitzgerald, John Edward 5366
Fitzgerald, Michael 2036
Fitzgerald, Robert T 18958
Fitzgerald, Thomas 1150
Fitzgerald, Thomas 1349
Fitzgerald, Thresa 27834
Fitzgerald, Walter Jessie 27831
Fitzgerald, William 5770
Fitzgibbon, Harry 32657
Fitzgibbon, Harry D 31247
Fitzgibbons, John 1547
Fitzhugh, Elmer J 14813
Fitzpatrick, A L 19126
Fitzpatrick, Earl Eugene 26126
Fitzpatrick, Earl Eugene 35484
Fitzpatrick, Edward 606
Fitzpatrick, Frederick D 26922
Fitzpatrick, Hugh 19127
Fitzpatrick, John 5313
Fitzpatrick, Joseph 384
Fitzpatrick, Joseph 8588
Fitzpatrick, Michael 256
Fitzpatrick, Michael 1336
Fitzpatrick, Michael 1916
Fitzpatrick, Michael 3174
Fitzpatrick, William C 26703
Fitzroy, Jack 24504
Fitzroy, John S 21286
Fitzsimmons, Pat 5523
Fitzsimmons, Rollin 15256
Fitzsimons, Charles M 20756
Flaherty, Clarence 21873
Flaherty, Edward Peter 33853
Flaherty, John 26779
Flaherty, Robert Lee(Alia 30546
Flakes, Velma 41554
Flanagan, Anthony 714
Flanagan, Delbert 22271
Flanagan, James J 35922
Flanders, Leroy John J 29338
Flanders, Orville E 35867
Flanders, Orville E 41113
Flanders, Orville Eugene 32693
Flanders, William 19676
Flanders, William Frank 28496
Flanery, Vincent Van 32099
Flannagan, Michael 2933
Flannery, James Arthur 29731
Flannery, W E 39260
Flannigan, Arthur 6871
Flannigan, Tony 3675
Flaten, Milo Pete 41328
Flaten, Mylo O “Pete” 38509
Flattick, Edward 504
Flaugh, Simon F 8825
Flaunigan, Arthur 6091
Flax, Charles 9394
Fleagle, Ralph E 15369
Fleckinger, John 11546
Fleckinger, Leroy Eugene 29910
Fleenor, Otis O 25905
Fleet, William 1359
Fleet, William (Alias) 1236
Fleetwood, William 33351
Fleisher, E 1471
Fleming, Cecil 15127
Fleming, Charles W 30705
Fleming, Earl 18221
Fleming, Gerald Arthur 26919
Fleming, James A 14534
Fleming, James M 39265
Fleming, James Roy 34007
Fleming, John 8361
Fleming, John (Alias) 416
Fleming, John C 15128
Fleming, Merle Robert Jr 31091
Fleming, Murrill 13441
Fleming, R B 4390
Fleming, Robert 2845
Flemming, John Charles 21949
Flemming, Rita 23760
Flener, Estel J 13475
Fleshman, Ralph 18453
Fleshman, Ralph D 15977
Fleshman, Ralph J 14067
Fleshman, Ralph J 19644
Fleshman, Wilbur 38258
Fletcher, Albert E 4441
Fletcher, Andy 3758
Fletcher, C H 7968
Fletcher, Charles E 37877
Fletcher, Earnest M 2418
Fletcher, George T 9626
Fletcher, Henry Clay 29219
Fletcher, James 20082
Fletcher, James Levell 30197
Fletcher, Larry Allen 34591
Fletcher, Leonard W 31397
Fletcher, Lynn H 21239
Fletcher, Lynne Herman 16844
Fletcher, Orval 32677
Fletcher, W J 8819
Fletcher, William 13711
Fletcher, William 16473
Fletcher, William E 38498
Fletcher, William E 39305
Flick, Charles H 34853
Flickinger, Frank W 2170
Flickinger, Leroy 25706
Flickinger, Leroy E 24865
Flindt, Herbert C 13406
Flinn, James R 12523
Flint, Almer Benton 29516
Flint, Byron 31974
Flint, Henry 9316
Flint, Henry E 8154
Flippin, Everett 12505
Flock, Roy 24291
Flogan, Charles 11468
Flood, Charles S 21590
Flood, Cleve Michael 39700
Flood, Eldon 22377
Flood, Eldon Lloyd 25056
Flood, Jack 14695
Flood, James 24486
Flor, Oreste 12158
Flora, Forest W 40056
Floras, Leo 7676
Flores, Benjamin 33980
Flores, Cruz 21253
Flores, Enrique 12419
Flores, Ernie 36722
Flores, Felipe 38818
Flores, Frank 31076
Flores, Fredrico 14876
Flores, Gregory 38739
Flores, Gregory L 41286
Flores, Henry Joseph Jr. 36058
Flores, Jesus 10235
Flores, Jesus 14391
Flores, Joe Delgado 34471
Flores, John 14280
Flores, John 15476
Flores, John 18321
Flores, Jose 8327
Flores, Joseph E 40510
Flores, Joseph Tores 27192
Flores, Juan 5323
Flores, Leobardo T 31574
Flores, Leonor 11085
Flores, Lupe 7774
Flores, Manuel 39031
Flores, Maria 10283
Flores, Mary Elizabeth 40666
Flores, Mingo 26855
Flores, Octavio I 33234
Flores, Pedro 11193
Flores, Pedro 11427
Flores, Pete 36842
Flores, Pete Jerry 38219
Flores, Ralph 17589
Flores, Raymand Roach 28979
Flores, Raymond Roach 30245
Flores, Raymond Roach 33855
Flores, Richard 26188
Flores, Richard Joseph 30796
Flores, Ross Jr 36361
Flores, Sara Estrada 40474
Flores, Seferine 23711
Flores, Tony 24834
Flores, Ygnacia 16076
Florez, Antonio “Tony” 9905
Florez, Elias 24346
Florez, Ernest 23470
Florez, F 10383
Florez, Jesus 19519
Florez, Joe Antonio 25735
Florez, Johnie Benjamin 30486
Florez, Jose 9362
Florez, Juan 16753
Florez, Juan 18640
Florez, Lino 11524
Florez, Lino 12364
Florez, Octavio I 30732
Florez, Octavio Iracleo 29703
Florez, Robert 41384
Florez, Ross Jr. 39949
Florez, Tony 36179
Florom, Kenneth A 24636
Flower, Harold 13806
Flowers, Blanche 15446
Flowers, Dearl 32738
Flowers, Dorothy 27999
Flowers, Fatina Gray 26190
Flowers, Henry 1240
Flowers, James Ray 35262
Flowers, Joe 8912
Flowers, Sterlin 24540
Flowers, William 21472
Floyd, George 11494
Floyd, Helen M 30768
Floyd, James Dale (Alias) 31187
Floyd, John 5323
Floyd, Kenneth F 39931
Floyd, Kenneth Forrest 38306
Floyd, Leo P 12204
Floyd, Nancy Mae (Alias) 31788
Floyd, Raymond 8546
Floyd, Robert M 25520
Floyd, William F 32221
Floyd, William W 30210
Floyd, William W 33908
Floyd, William Walter 28385
Fluckey, Lewis John 34256
Fluellen, Gregory L 40878
Fluellen, Robert L 39046
Fluellen, Robert Lee 39876
Fluitt, Royce 32121
Fluke, Floyd L 38413
Fluke, Floyd Leroy Jr 37128
Fluke, Reuben Joseph 24446
Flukey, Lewis 25493
Flymm, James M 12427
Flynn, C T 15829
Flynn, Charles S 19907
Flynn, Cleo W 25069
Flynn, E C 2352
Flynn, F M 27146
Flynn, Frank 800
Flynn, Frank M 22039
Flynn, Gerald 24030
Flynn, John 2323
Flynn, John 2719
Flynn, John Joseph 29833
Flynn, Orley 20568
Flynn, Patsy 7711
Flynn, Raymond J 18854
Flynn, Thomas George 38082
Flynn, William 5188
Foberg, Charles Oscar 38762
Foder, Alexander 9591
Foe, John Michael 41420
Foerester, Fred 18256
Fogarty, James 5175
Fogas, Charles S 32658
Fogas, Palmer 32718
Fogel, Gerald 17389
Fogel, Gerald 17797
Fogerty, James 1316
Foglesong, Louis Desangel 20461
Foibes, Ralph (Alias) 13917
Foley, Andrew 895
Foley, Charles W 6635
Foley, Claude M 24265
Foley, Daniel 3895
Foley, Frank P 9597
Foley, James 5848
Foley, John Phillip 11916
Foley, Katie 11179
Foley, Lewis 7180
Foley, Mayme 8795
Foley, Mike 19199
Foley, Patrick 1919
Foley, Patrick Henry 36480
Foley, Peter 2446
Foley, Richard 5014
Foley, Thomas 4510
Folker, Charles 1969
Folks, Arthur 34231
Folks, Henry Joe 36057
Folks, Leo 31652
Follensbee, Madeline Iren 39944
Folleta, Joe 9052
Follett, James C 27016
Follett, Robert 38893
Followill, Robert Arcean 25265
Follweiler, Iris Alberta 27243
Folson, Mack 25437
Foltz, Nelson 27630
Fontana, Mollie 18633
Fontanari, Andy Lee 41648
Fontine, Frank 13676
Fontine, John 6664
Fontine, Kate 13470
Fontleroy, Richard 4944
Fonville, Oren 26898
Fonzo, Robert Gene 32425
Foos, Enoch B Jr 24831
Fooshee, Henry Lois 29065
Foote, George F 32480
Foote, Joe F 16377
Footh, Albert Floyd 31882
Forbes, A E 9184
Forbes, Archie M 9915
Forbes, Charles W 21384
Forbes, Charles W 22339
Forbes, Charles W 26160
Forbes, Charles W 33674
Forbes, Clarence 25499
Forbes, Daniel 20058
Forbes, Delos A 876
Forbes, Forrest C 22143
Forbes, Frank Allen 31272
Forbes, James D 1425
Forbes, Joseph E 11780
Forbes, Julius 4948
Forbes, Michael S 41463
Forbes, Robert 6965
Forbes, William 5861
Force, Ora M 14700
Ford, Avalo 21869
Ford, B J 5937
Ford, Charles 900
Ford, Charles 3638
Ford, Charles A 2071
Ford, Charles H 4618
Ford, Delores Jean 38155
Ford, Doris Ray 38156
Ford, Fred 6476
Ford, George 13617
Ford, George Tyler 23491
Ford, J F 18964
Ford, James M 148
Ford, John 5481
Ford, John B 31
Ford, John William Jr 28995
Ford, Johnny Ray 40988
Ford, Leon Shirley 28557
Ford, Leslie Eugene 34759
Ford, Lewis 1654
Ford, Mary 1769
Ford, Mollie 1163
Ford, Myrtle 8965
Ford, O H 23051
Ford, Oliver Ledger 30286
Ford, R A 13326
Ford, Roy 30030
Ford, Shirley Ann 39460
Ford, Stella 39351
Ford, W M 5721
Ford, W M 7022
Ford, W M 7606
Ford, W M 7985
Ford, Wayne Leonard 28866
Ford, Wayne Leonard 29812
Ford, Wayne Leonard 35058
Ford, William 3777
Ford, William 4312
Ford, William M 6083
Ford, William M 8905
Forde, G B 10021
Fordham, Robert 27517
Fordyce, Ralph V 38838
Foree, Earl 7075
Foreman, Flora I 10750
Foreman, Neil 22361
Forgett, Gregory 14765
Forgett, Gregory 17252
Forgino, Ralph 12447
Forgy, Billie 16496
Forman, Joe 27407
Formby, W A 32365
Formes, Richard 1369
Formes, Richard G 1272
Fornear, George Robert 34155
Forney, Lazell M 31783
Forres, Felepe 7803
Forrest, S E 21479
Forrester, Harry 2419
Forrester, Robert Henry 21731
Forshey, Vernon A 28752
Forsyth, Joe 2302
Forsyth, John 3094
Forsyth, Leo Franklin 26978
Forsythe, John Ii 36416
Forsythe, Lee Russell 27167
Forsythe, Lee Russell 29022
Forsythe, Lee Russell 33612
Fort, Richard C 41115
Forte, Peter 8724
Fortenberry, Robert 27705
Forth, James C 31885
Fortine, James 8471
Fortine, James 8817
Fortman, Roy Allen 38086
Fortner, Thomas Jefferson 25254
Fortune, Arnold R 15915
Fortuno, Mario 9230
Foskett, Floyd J 25837
Foss, J James 1194
Fossell, George 5557
Fosseseca, Charles 13449
Fossum, Oscar 15053
Foster, Albert H 9131
Foster, Anthonio 4602
Foster, Bert 7462
Foster, Chaa 6479
Foster, Charles Robert 25972
Foster, Charles Sidney 28031
Foster, Charles Vernon 28139
Foster, Charles Vernon 30332
Foster, Clarence 3674
Foster, Clarence 19596
Foster, Clarence C 14828
Foster, Claudia 18266
Foster, David K 35298
Foster, David W 10288
Foster, David W 22451
Foster, E E 18100
Foster, E E 18515
Foster, Easten 22089
Foster, Edward 7173
Foster, Ernest 2111
Foster, Ernest 7822
Foster, Frank 6899
Foster, Frank 9125
Foster, Frank 19217
Foster, Frank K 13517
Foster, H A 31452
Foster, Harold A 19362
Foster, Henry 1204
Foster, Herman Austin 29582
Foster, Jack Fall 29490
Foster, James Lee 12036
Foster, James V 16341
Foster, James W 1680
Foster, John 2554
Foster, John H 12127
Foster, John R 3207
Foster, Martha 13793
Foster, Mary Elizabeth 34550
Foster, Mathew 11517
Foster, O M 20685
Foster, Ralph C 15419
Foster, Raymond 25432
Foster, Retha Joyce 40438
Foster, Ronald Renard 40592
Foster, Roy 24001
Foster, Roy N 14382
Foster, Steve (Alias) 28887
Foster, Steven W 34807
Foster, Tom M 12124
Foster, Vearl 23243
Foster, Vearl 25219
Foster, Walter 8554
Foster, Walter 9128
Foster, William 9426
Foster, William Henry 29190
Fouchey, Bentley J 33007
Fournier, Albert R 36000
Fourt, Woodie 14905
Foust, Harvey 21633
Foust, Mabel 21634
Foutch, Jack 35086
Foutz, Jack 21753
Fowler, A G 14680
Fowler, Bobby Joe 31075
Fowler, Bobby Joe 40283
Fowler, Doyle Raymond 40667
Fowler, E G 2004
Fowler, Enos G (Alias) 1432
Fowler, Fred 19780
Fowler, Henry 11323
Fowler, Houston Jr 32328
Fowler, Joel M 40705
Fowler, John 10546
Fowler, John 14630
Fowler, Julius 22745
Fowler, Julius 23652
Fowler, Kessley Keeley 28571
Fowler, Leslie Edwin 26923
Fowler, Loring J 16367
Fowler, Richard L 40565
Fowler, Thomas Gordon 31656
Fowler, Van 8285
Fox, Charles 633
Fox, Charles 21897
Fox, Cleveland 31347
Fox, Edith 13961
Fox, Eugene R 23980
Fox, Frank 1861
Fox, Frank 11114
Fox, Fred 7934
Fox, Fred 8745
Fox, Grace 20628
Fox, Harold Hugh 23574
Fox, J C 15391
Fox, Jack C 22349
Fox, James Richard 23841
Fox, Joe 33607
Fox, Joe C 20295
Fox, John J 38864
Fox, Johnny Jackson 41589
Fox, Lawrence Jr. 39205
Fox, Lee 23393
Fox, Lester E 18816
Fox, Moses 55
Fox, Robert 32720
Fox, Robert Dewayne 35005
Fox, Robert L 22741
Fox, Vernon Delbert 35422
Fox, W F 22807
Fox, W H 6341
Fox, William F 27539
Foy, M J 13593
Foyer, Edward M 14805
Foyt, Dorothy “Cookie” 28121
Fozzi, Riccardo 9536
Frady, Green 13217
Frady, Lloyd 16925
Frady, Lloyd 17955
Fragant, Eddie 15342
Frainer, Edward J 10069
Fraire, Angelo 24404
Fraizer, John G 1507
Frakes, Earnest 19991
Fralix, Luther Colby 25178
Frame, John 6563
Framky, Berrie 5386
Frammier, Conrad 3544
France, George E 14088
Francesco, Fauro 9835
Franch, Ray 20420
Franchi, Valentine 178
Franchine, Tom 15181
Franchini, Tomasso 6623
Francis, Frank 6451
Francis, Fred 32904
Francis, George 11048
Francis, John 4184
Francis, John Mack 9720
Francis, Otis Fred 30353
Francisco, Blea 8000
Francisco, Fred 15674
Francisco, Juan 4404
Francisco, Leslie 6515
Franco, Albert 40333
Franco, Albert Dono 32668
Franco, Isaac 4924
Franco, Mike 21504
Francovich, Mike 15816
Francy, Thomas 608
Frank, Charles 404
Frank, Daniel 33092
Frank, Frankie J 35001
Frank, J C 9083
Frank, J C 9369
Frank, James 6830
Frank, Philip Jr 25175
Frank, Rowland 26348
Franke, Julius 185
Frankenstein, Benjamin 9419
Frankenstein, Benjamin 9943
Frankin, W W 9343
Franklin, Anthony 17790
Franklin, Benjamin Walter 30937
Franklin, Betty Joan 30918
Franklin, Charles 111
Franklin, Charles 5784
Franklin, Clifford 10978
Franklin, Ellis 11182
Franklin, Elmer 8367
Franklin, George 30053
Franklin, George 37942
Franklin, Grace 5386
Franklin, James 3532
Franklin, James Howard 30844
Franklin, John 3371
Franklin, John 21448
Franklin, Patricia 35608
Franklin, Robert L 26041
Franklin, Robert L 40919
Franklin, Robert Lee 27505
Franklin, Robert Lee 31104
Franklin, Samuel 12467
Franklin, Samuel 23267
Franklin, Samuel Walter 17906
Franklin, W W 5879
Franks, Clyde C 20322
Franks, George I (Alias) 14067
Franks, George Irwin(Alia 14088
Franks, Jack Calvin 30093
Franks, Walter C 16601
Franks, Walter C 19120
Fransan, Robert 23618
Fransto, Delfino 8559
Fransua, Albert Pete 30521
Fransua, Alliven 32622
Fransua, Daniel Gilvert E 35029
Frantz, Horace G 27589
Frantz, Paul 12615
Franz, Harold 17303
Franz, Rudolph 1843
Franz, Thomas Dwight 28506
Frase, Lynn 18261
Fraser, George 34380
Fraser, John 7526
Frasier, Clyde 19752
Frasier, Robert 17982
Frasier, Robert 19231
Frato, Louis 13498
Fratto, Louis 12791
Fratus, Ernest 31807
Frause, Walter H 19385
Fraydy, Larence M 33024
Frayter, Moses 4365
Frazer, Ernest L 5899
Frazer, Milton G 16537
Frazier, Brack 19412
Frazier, Cecil M 36374
Frazier, Charles 8625
Frazier, Charles 36373
Frazier, Claud 22581
Frazier, Claude J 27244
Frazier, D J (Alias) 741
Frazier, Dewey 14419
Frazier, George Albert 29589
Frazier, George W 10921
Frazier, Harry G 38111
Frazier, Henry 15179
Frazier, John 9282
Frazier, John C 2337
Frazier, John Thomas 12325
Frazier, Joseph J 13133
Frazier, Joseph Jackson 24567
Frazier, Orzo Jr 35231
Frazier, Otie Walter 24282
Frazier, Otie Walter 25335
Frazier, Roy 18500
Frazier, Thomas Alan 32134
Frazzini, Frank Adams 39201
Frazzini, Prospero 12857
Frazzinni, Sylvester 24866
Fread, Clifford E 19301
Fred, Roy 18614
Fredenberg, Joseph 5991
Frederick, Harrie Daniel 31446
Frederick, Margaret M 31447
Frederickson, Hans 17618
Frederickson, Peter 7424
Frederikson, Hans 16960
Fredinburg, W H 21289
Fredo, Thomas Robert 39850
Fredrickson, Floyd M 30780
Free, Earnest D 12617
Freeburg, Dallas Earl 40600
Freed, Burnell L 23093
Freed, James Leroy 28422
Freed, William W 4725
Freeland, Karl E 20083
Freeland, Ruth 14834
Freelove, W 21558
Freeman, Albert A 25602
Freeman, Charles (Alias) 1041
Freeman, Charles Morris 35328
Freeman, Clarence 27796
Freeman, D Lyle 37554
Freeman, Edward 5652
Freeman, Edward K 6860
Freeman, Floyd Lee 37714
Freeman, Gary Wayne 38437
Freeman, H H 24707
Freeman, John Wayne 34902
Freeman, R L 23628
Freeman, Robert 11245
Freeman, Robert 13629
Freeman, Robert 17028
Freeman, Thomas James 37421
Freeman, Willard 37696
Freeman, William W 4837
Freemon, Robert 8601
Freemyer, James P 13506
Frees, John Ellsworth 26892
Freese, Donald Eldon 29889
Freeze, John F 9356
Fregosa, Don 13415
Frehoff, Henry 10209
Frei, Charles 6297
Freiberg, John 3301
Freidlands, George N 3535
Freiley, Annye Marie 41585
Frein, Peter 41774
Frein, Peter Joseph 34720
Freis, Joseph 13818
Freitag, Fred Louis 29992
Frejo, Amado 23901
Frejo, Jesus 2729
French, Calantha F 9611
French, Carlos G 11990
French, Clinton 7872
French, Daniel L 31775
French, Harry 11714
French, Howard 23011
French, J H 12128
French, James (Alias) 895
French, James (Alias) 13656
French, Joseph 10442
French, Lee 11415
French, Mary Robol 23303
French, Mason 11649
French, Thomas L 17922
French, Vernon S 25388
French, Vernon Sewell 29771
Frenzel, Frank C 10208
Frenzel, Richard 12682
Frerree, George Frederick 29026
Fresquez, Christobal D 40663
Fresquez, Christobal Dale 39435
Fresquez, Edward Joseph 32574
Fresquez, Edward Joseph 36716
Fresquez, Eustaquio C 32208
Fresquez, Frank Joseph 39434
Fresquez, Gilbert R 41461
Fresquez, Jose Branlio 10475
Fresquez, Joseph Frank 36714
Fresquez, Samuel 30970
Fresquez, Thomas Jr. 39615
Frey, Barbara Jane 38764
Frey, Howard K 13824
Frey, Howard K 14592
Frey, John R 4556
Freyta, Ambrosio 37156
Freyta, Ernest E 35653
Friaz, Martin 9832
Friberger, James 5093
Fricabrino, Joe 16083
Frickey, Charles W 8827
Friday, Billy 38621
Friddle, Edward 37340
Frideaux, Rolla Patri 15919
Friedman, Harry 14366
Friedman, Joe 12024
Friedman, Joseph Samuel 15322
Friedman, Louis 24981
Friedrich, Adam 1596
Friedrich, Robert E 21068
Friedrick, Ross 32192
Friel, James H 1819
Friend, A L 38673
Friend, John 16067
Fries, Leo 10757
Friet, John 2840
Frietman, Charles 3225
Frisbee, Charles H 37435
Frisco, Saverio “Sam” 5666
Friskey, Clarence William 34562
Friskey, Otto W 6606
Frison, Bill (Alias) 31063
Frison, William 31063
Fritchel, Victor 33365
Fritchel, Victor Peter 25539
Fritchell, Charles 34453
Fritsch, Paul 1855
Fritts, Walter Perry 27229
Fritz, John 13135
Fritz, William Paul 31408
Fritz, William Paul 34864
Fritzer, Moses 4365
Fritzineger, James Paul 35331
Fritzinger, James Paul 32645
Fritzlam, A G 14653
Friztler, Fred 20364
Frizzell, William 4542
Froman, Dorothy 36049
Froman, Hugh C 17519
Frommeyer, Conrad 893
Frost, Clyde 3286
Frost, Frank 88
Frost, J Jack 39720
Frost, Jack 28725
Frost, Stanley 29421
Frost, Wilbur 21109
Frownfelter, Charles 26853
Fry, Bob 17737
Fry, Lizzie 5735
Fry, Martin 24324
Fry, Norris Neal 36108
Fry, Wayne Ezra 40398
Fry, William C 2697
Fry, Willis 32599
Frye, Chester H 8291
Frye, E C 2352
Frye, Edward 11635
Frye, H T 20525
Frye, Kenneth E 35629
Fryslie, A P 13354
Fryslie, Perry 17897
Fryzek, Jerry M 24670
Fuchiwaki, Ywaji 23192
Fuchs, A R 10563
Fuentes, Andres 13370
Fuentes, Manuel 41187
Fuentes, Manuel A 39169
Fuentes, Nieues 27457
Fuentes, Nieves”Snowball” 28207
Fugate, Walter W 11137
Fugatt, Ray 18774
Fugit, E H 18668
Fugitt, Andrew B 19316
Fugitt, Louis K 28188
Fuhrman, Orville John 26885
Fukareno, Frank 9919
Fulbright, Lee 9085
Fulford, Fred 20895
Fulham, Beverly J 34642
Fulham, Beverly J 37559
Fulham, Joseph E 35981
Fulham, Joseph Ernest 40140
Fulk, Francis 34901
Fulks, Amos 9333
Full, Bernard J 36299
Full, Bernard J 37362
Fullbright, Lee 9576
Fullbright, Lee 10498
Fuller, Betty 18371
Fuller, Clifford Samuel 24120
Fuller, Douglas 4610
Fuller, Floyd 10558
Fuller, Hardy 7323
Fuller, Hardy R 5908
Fuller, Harry 12970
Fuller, Harvey 1279
Fuller, Irwin L 5917
Fuller, Jerry 40531
Fuller, Joe 1954
Fuller, Joe 4514
Fuller, John 23185
Fuller, Joseph 1558
Fuller, Kay Rose 33527
Fuller, Kay Ross 36967
Fuller, R 13702
Fuller, Richard Wayne 39632
Fuller, Robert 15628
Fuller, Verner F 24839
Fuller, Virgil 19701
Fullerton, Humphrey 6594
Fullerton, James B 6593
Fullerton, John R 11255
Fullilove, Harrison 2422
Fullilove, Harrison(Alias 2072
Fullright, Lee 10897
Fulmer, Calvin Forrest 39306
Fulton, Allen Lafayette 37774
Fulton, Charles H 24897
Fulton, James 13719
Fulton, Joseph 3923
Fulton, Joseph J 2145
Fulton, Ravel Leon C 24158
Fulton, William Howard 25268
Fultz, A J 13548
Fultz, Cecil Lee 24819
Fultz, Clarence D 25130
Fultz, Olen 25242
Fulukawa, K 5452
Fung, Ching Lee 2571
Funk, Francis 19561
Funk, George L 3124
Funk, John 22793
Funk, Laurel G 30535
Funk, Lawrence Gilbert 15126
Funk, Milton 19344
Funke, Alfred 5017
Fuqna, Monroe 8477
Fuquay, George 6897
Furey, Mannel 5884
Furgeson, Carl (Alias) 21442
Furgeson, Reina 10284
Furlong, Joseph Daniel 36029
Furlow, James Edward 29578
Furlow, James Edward 38239
Furlow, James Edward”Jim” 28015
Furlow, Reginald 39465
Furman, C V 11210
Furuya, William 24031
Fustin, Joseph Robert 23903
Futrell, Marvin L 38687
Fye, Otto Alexander 22598
Fye, Thomas L 40846
Fye, Thomas Leroy 37035
Fyffe, Elias O 2599
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