The alphabetical name index which follows is a listing of the name of each inmate and their inmate number who’s surname begins with an A. The Prisoner Record and Record of Convicts may be obtained by contacting the Colorado State Archives. There is also a photographic record, commonly referred to as a “mug shot” available for most prisoners.
See Also:
Last Name, First Name – Inmate Number
Vaasa, Thomas 15873
Vaden, William E 40200
Vagneur, Richard Thomas 25882
Vail, George R 16971
Vail, John 17496
Vaitses, Stephen C 11545
Valadez, Rodriga 14376
Valadez, Salvador 40213
Valano, Juan 4418
Valanzuela, Raymond 30362
Valarde, Eugene 34431
Valarga, Giovanna (Grov) 1056
Valasco, Manuel 29848
Valasquez, Eligio 35491
Valdez, Alexander 33990
Valdez, Alexander 19766
Valdez, Andres 18514
Valdez, Anseimo Filemon 30418
Valdez, Anthony Joseph 35828
Valdez, Arthur F 37737
Valdez, Arthur P 26216
Valdez, Arthur P 40292
Valdez, Arthur Pete 28066
Valdez, Ben 17809
Valdez, Benjamin 19148
Valdez, Bennie 30470
Valdez, Bennie Claude 31609
Valdez, Bennie Claude 34316
Valdez, Benny Claude 38752
Valdez, Benny V 35394
Valdez, Bernardo 5732
Valdez, Carl 8269
Valdez, Casper 6914
Valdez, Cayetano L 38793
Valdez, Cayetano Leonires 33729
Valdez, Cayetano Leonires 35882
Valdez, Celestino 9813
Valdez, Celestino 17006
Valdez, Dave E 30422
Valdez, Don 21942
Valdez, Edward 20952
Valdez, Emanuel 19487
Valdez, Ephraim Willie 38769
Valdez, Ernest 17931
Valdez, Ernest 18990
Valdez, Espimino 25771
Valdez, Felix 12362
Valdez, Fidel 30409
Valdez, Frank 25543
Valdez, Frank Arnoldo 40636
Valdez, Fred Lico 40897
Valdez, Freddy Benjamin 40043
Valdez, Gayltano L (Alias 31795
Valdez, Gregorio 10813
Valdez, Henry 18974
Valdez, J L 11073
Valdez, Jake R 38205
Valdez, Jesse A 41010
Valdez, Jessie S 39138
Valdez, Jesus 11026
Valdez, Jesus 18090
Valdez, Joe 11692
Valdez, Joe 17644
Valdez, Joe Alcario 28390
Valdez, Joe Arthur 26787
Valdez, Joe Arthur 29178
Valdez, Joe Edward 30296
Valdez, Joe Garfield 29617
Valdez, Joe Garfield 33701
Valdez, Joe Garfield 36127
Valdez, Joe L 29852
Valdez, Joe Musico 27019
Valdez, Joe Nelson 26966
Valdez, Joe Ralph 34206
Valdez, Joe Ralph 38591
Valdez, John 18776
Valdez, John Adam 11814
Valdez, John Frank 29315
Valdez, John J 40058
Valdez, John Thomas 33730
Valdez, Johnnie 34470
Valdez, Johnny E 41300
Valdez, Jose 7629
Valdez, Jose Arturo 39410
Valdez, Jose Sam 5387
Valdez, Juan 25508
Valdez, Juan 27183
Valdez, Juan 15157
Valdez, Lee 11477
Valdez, Leo 29769
Valdez, Leo 31795
Valdez, Leo 20682
Valdez, Leo Joseph 32870
Valdez, Leo Joseph 35979
Valdez, Leroy Jose 37136
Valdez, Lloyd 22825
Valdez, Lloyd 26408
Valdez, Lloyd Louis 27158
Valdez, Lloyd Louis 29893
Valdez, Lloyd Louis 33562
Valdez, Lorraine Irene 38089
Valdez, Manuel 21331
Valdez, Manuel 13909
Valdez, Orest 36553
Valdez, Orest 38531
Valdez, Paul 39576
Valdez, Pedro 11751
Valdez, Pete 22274
Valdez, Pete 16108
Valdez, Peter 20278
Valdez, Phil 28730
Valdez, Phil 30401
Valdez, Philipe 4259
Valdez, R J 13177
Valdez, Rafael 18381
Valdez, Ralph Anthony 40976
Valdez, Ramon 37011
Valdez, Ramon Eugene 33286
Valdez, Ramon Eugene 35969
Valdez, Reuben 41720
Valdez, Rodrigo 13021
Valdez, Ross Joe 28110
Valdez, Roy 18346
Valdez, Roy Louis 24123
Valdez, Salvadore 18364
Valdez, Sam 22300
Valdez, Sam 23879
Valdez, Sam 17787
Valdez, Samuel 36114
Valdez, Samuel 19938
Valdez, Samuel Jr 32934
Valdez, Steve 33634
Valdez, Steve A 37972
Valdez, Thomas E 38367
Valdez, Tony Joe 30637
Valdez, Victor 24838
Valdez, Victor 19189
Valdez, Vivian 13850
Valdez, William 36629
Valdez, Willie 32261
Valdez, Ysidra 10097
Valedez, Pedro 9317
Valencia, Carmen 10762
Valencia, Don 12469
Valencia, Eddie R 40239
Valencia, Orlando 36105
Valencio, Joe B 18205
Valentine, C 3378
Valentine, E W 11854
Valentine, Frank 178
Valentine, Harold 22525
Valentine, James Leon 29954
Valentine, Manuel 9026
Valentine, Maximo 38024
Valentine, Romeo 1072
Valentine, Willis 8480
Valentino, James 19580
Valenzuela, Albert Lee 30064
Valenzuela, Andres Paiz 21943
Valenzuela, Benito 36762
Valenzuela, Daniel Audrod 25946
Valenzuela, Frederick 31042
Valenzuela, Nicholas A 40956
Valerio, Albert 19951
Valerius, Tracy 13182
Valesquez, Alyandrino 14579
Valetek, Julus 7544
Valko, Andrew 19045
Vallance, Fred 5905
Vallegas, Danny Joseph 28771
Vallegos, Daniel J 25622
Vallegos, Louis Jr 31031
Vallejos, Canuto 21526
Vallejos, Francisco 10858
Vallejos, Louie 27221
Vallejos, Louis Conuito 22355
Vallejos, Louis Conuto 28958
Vallejos, Luca 10857
Valles, Frank N 29932
Valles, Louise Priscilla 39137
Valles, Selestino 10342
Valles, Tony 22924
Valles, Tony 20043
Vallesteros, Antonio 7932
Valley, Clarence 10219
Valley, Dennis M 39314
Vallez, Antonio L 34987
Vallez, Arturo D 34986
Vallez, George Hick 29362
Vallez, George N 37418
Vallier, Louis 862
Vallier, Louis 862
Vallijos, Miguel 10337
Vallone, Francisco 12587
Valls, Thomas J 39832
Valpando, Joe 17539
Valppentesta, Gregori 8119
Value, Louis (Alias) 862
Valverde, John Joseph 30433
Valverde, John Joseph 31847
Valverde, Manuel 30025
Valves, Matos 9497
Valyare, Adriane 7065
Van, F R 23038
VanAllen, Billie (Alias) 13412
VanAllen, John (Alias) 17935
VanAmburgh, Frank 7951
Vanata, Herald 18893
VanAukon, Alvin G 11123
VanAusdall, David 34216
VanAusdell, Edna M 36192
VanBeaver, Louis 32887
VanBevers, Louie 37798
VanBreen, Victor 23265
VanBuskirk, O D 13935
VanBuskirk, Thomas 1664
VanCamp, Herman 14849
VanCamp, Herman 16288
VanCamp, Morris 1132
VanCamp, Warren 305
Vance, A B 5021
Vance, Albert 27774
Vance, Baice 11818
Vance, Barney 5750
Vance, Eldridge R 14108
Vance, Glade 23745
Vance, Glade 27094
Vance, Glade 32202
Vance, Glade Larry 39003
Vance, John 5805
Vance, John 15492
Vance, John 20012
Vance, Larry 31676
Vance, Lewis C 22441
Vance, R S 13144
Vance, Robert 9848
Vancel, Robert 17044
Vancey, Doc 784
Vancil, George W 11146
Vancil, Vernon E 23137
VanCleave, William John 24247
VanDenades, Guillermo 37049
VanDenbulke, Julius 15448
Vanderburg, Joseph A 11274
VanDerford, Eugene 10210
VanDergriff, Gilbert Monr 28927
VanDerhoff, Ernest 13751
VanDerhoff, Ernest 15449
VanDerhoff, Ernest 18457
Vanderhoof, Archie Lyle 30958
VanDerlynn, Vince 33939
VanDerpool, Dan 9824
VanDerveer, Sam R 22139
VanDervoort, Junia Wesley 25063
VanDeventer, Robert C 40205
VanDewiele, Tom 21191
VanDiest, H 17736
VanDiest, Henry 18859
VanDiest, Henry Ed 24079
VanDiest, Peter 11741
VanDusen, Frank A 10985
VanDusen, George 9509
VanDyke, Herbert 18134
VanDyne, Harry T 25004
Vane, J J 13658
VanEck, Frank 4318
Vaneck, W Lou 4321
Vaneil, Vernon 25521
Vangham, Frank 3752
Vanghan, Earl 10743
VanGorden, Frank 19241
VanGorder, David 36952
VanGorder, David Miles 34421
VanGorder, David Miles 40335
VanGosen, Clarence 31855
VanGosen, Clarence James 29837
VanGundy, Donald 22326
VanHook, Oral Ray 40802
VanHopson, Barney 28141
VanHorn, William S 6491
VanHouten, Randy Kent 35085
VanHouton, A W 3808
VanHove, John 2911
VanLanken, Robert 17348
VanLoon, George 17699
VanMatre, John Edward 11835
VanMatre, Robert 20352
VanMatre, Robert H 23967
VanMeter, Ben 20076
VanMeter, Frank L 15177
VanMeter, Roy 18848
Vann, Lester Lee 22588
VanNatta, O B 12206
VanNattzan, Ellis 25636
VanNorsdel, James R 21100
Vanolia, John 1977
VanOrden, Francis J 36337
VanOrden, W W 14685
VanOrden, W W 15418
VanOsdal, Frank (Alias) 12512
VanOsdol, Daren 26483
VanOstran, Robert Ezra 38412
Vanover, Clinton E 4139
VanPelt, Herman 17228
VanPelt, Paul 30731
VanPelt, Paul 32194
VanPelt, Paul 37594
VanPelt, Paul 38868
VanRoeder, Charles M 38909
VanRomer, Rudolph 2098
VanSandt, Kenneth Lee 36816
VanSchoctan, Walter 14186
VanSchoiack, Frederick E 26758
VanScoik, Loren E 22732
VanScork, L E 34163
VanScory, Lock 784
VanScoy, Charles (Doc) 1192
VanSteelandt, Julius 13886
VanTalge, Emil Louis 25914
VanTyne, Joseph H 15085
VanVacter, William A 25241
VanVacter, William Albert 26731
VanVelkinburgh, John Earl 34594
VanVocter, David 25240
VanVolkenburgh, William E 4443
VanWey, William 26548
VanWey, William Addow 27681
VanWinkle, Rex Davis 30240
VanWyk, Gerrit J 6817
VanZile, Fred G 24364
Varadli, Frank 13659
Varajas, Martin 22799
Varce, Newt 1714
Varela, Antonio 11451
Vargas, Cruz 9004
Vargas, Jesse 28489
Vargas, Marcelo 23926
Vargas, Pablo 8461
Vargas, Roberto 26366
Vargas, Rudolph Richard 28073
Vargas, Trinidad 12672
Varlin, John 9635
Varly, John E 6545
Varnell, William E 14703
Varner, Bert 11191
Varner, Dick 32440
Varner, George 10230
Varner, Herman 18263
Varner, John Francis 40499
Varola, Reyes 11252
Varrieur, Barnum Lee 38987
Vasek, Louis 22857
Vasel, Eugene M 945
Vasey, Victor Wilbur 25511
Vasko, Vincent 14196
Vasques, Juan Jose 551
Vasques, Luis E 20705
Vasquez, Andrew 38599
Vasquez, Anthony Tony 34533
Vasquez, Antonio 15552
Vasquez, Carlos 38629
Vasquez, Ciriaco 19440
Vasquez, Frank 14471
Vasquez, Joe 20234
Vasquez, John M 33973
Vasquez, John M 35691
Vasquez, Manuel 13695
Vasquez, Patrici0 10908
Vasquez, Pedro 9929
Vasquez, Pedro 9941
Vasquez, Pedro “Pete” H 24331
Vasquez, Ramon 16047
Vasquez, Rudy 32928
Vasquez, Sammy 34893
Vasser, Eugene Byron 36004
Vasser, Gene 31023
Vasser, Gene Byron 32477
Vaszquez, Marlene 39624
Vaugh, Burton 22636
Vaughan, Donna 17744
Vaughan, James R 15009
Vaughan, John 4826
Vaughan, Richard S 40491
Vaughn, Bert 24328
Vaughn, Cecil R 16891
Vaughn, Charles H 41132
Vaughn, Daniel Webster 34752
Vaughn, Earl 32591
Vaughn, Earl 38049
Vaughn, Edward 8615
Vaughn, George H 15969
Vaughn, Guy O 20378
Vaughn, Harley 27546
Vaughn, Harold Ray 30533
Vaughn, J B Wray 22418
Vaughn, Jack R (Alias) 29039
Vaughn, Jimmy Jr. 40006
Vaughn, Leslie Ray 38671
Vaughn, Mary Elizabeth 36972
Vaughn, Otis C 20249
Vaughn, R E 18203
Vaughn, Thomas 21173
Vaughns, Arthur Jr. 37176
Vaughns, Gerald A 40218
Vaughns, Marvin R 41781
Vaught, Charles H 24744
Vaupel, Virgil W 36350
Vavra, Ronald Irvin 31898
Vayhue, Arthur H W 11124
Veadros, Eadl 13684
Veal, Joseph 38619
Vearing, Orval S 38360
Veasey, Carl C 15993
Vecchiarelli, William 20775
Veenker, George 5019
Veenker, H O 7545
Vega, Alfredo 11693
Vega, Francisco 13147
Veia, Sebastino 14673
Velano, Tony 19163
Velarde, Amarante 18863
Velarde, Benjamin 33367
Velarde, Donald B 39030
Velarde, Eugene 30469
Velarde, Eugene 38450
Velarde, Jose 13037
Velarde, Lee 39689
Velarde, Leroy 16793
Velarde, Nabor 4966
Velarde, Richar8d 39688
Velarde, Robert 34324
Velarde, Robert 38831
Velarde, Robert L 27793
Velarde, Robert L 40674
Velasco, Manuel 33320
Velasques, Bill 18997
Velasques, William 19950
Velasquez, Abe 34332
Velasquez, Antonio 7471
Velasquez, Augustin 18980
Velasquez, Candido 13892
Velasquez, Charles 15561
Velasquez, Condie A 41228
Velasquez, Daniel 31432
Velasquez, Ernest 31309
Velasquez, Feliciano 12741
Velasquez, Felix 20803
Velasquez, Herminis 11781
Velasquez, Joe Alex 12160
Velasquez, John Conrad 36485
Velasquez, John E 27550
Velasquez, John E 32226
Velasquez, John E 38313
Velasquez, Juan 17307
Velasquez, Julio 28689
Velasquez, Larry 36743
Velasquez, Larry Lawrence 33922
Velasquez, Macedonio 6709
Velasquez, Manuel 31431
Velasquez, Manuel 36285
Velasquez, Mariana 12884
Velasquez, Robert Floyd 37832
Velazquiz, Manuel 17933
Velcoff, Alex 24666
Velcoff, Tom 34409
Velez, Armando Rosa 38663
Veltri, Amel 23668
Velzey, Carl W 16565
Venebidez, Marcos 16686
Venezio, Sam 14457
Vengar, Manuel 14260
Venibedes, Marcus 13905
Vennie, Joseph L 21094
Ventrello, James 14924
Ventura, Peter 36038
Veo, Leslie E 27041
Vera, Andres 26797
Vera, Ysmael 15150
Verbos, Steven Lawrence 40047
Verchere, Laura 15907
Verial, Seprino 12029
Vermillion, David Ward 30432
Vermillion, Richard J 38381
Vermily, David B 2388
Vernal, Delores 4221
Vernon, Benjamin 10266
Vernon, Bert B Jr 25697
Vernon, C A 4697
Vernon, Joseph 3838
Vero, John 9598
Vert, R F 3334
Vescovi, Peter 5726
Vesey, Eugene M 945
Veslardo, Joe 13785
Vesper, Otto O (Alias) 26159
Vest, Melvin Eugene 30019
Vest, Mrs. R R 12094
Vestal, R A 27873
Veto, Mike 13171
Vetoyan, Steve 7308
Vhrick, George 19014
Via, Bennie 22090
Vialpando, Albert 31939
Vialpando, Augustin 9834
Vialpando, Christoforo R 36263
Vialpando, Estevan Jose 35201
Vialpando, Fermin 28773
Vialpando, Joe 19342
Vialpando, Joe Alvin 29252
Vialpando, John 21297
Vialpando, Jose F 25475
Vialpando, Joseph Alvin 31644
Vialpando, Leroy Ernest 30858
Vialpando, Louie Pando 28174
Vialpando, Louis 35061
Vialpando, Margarito 32778
Vialpando, Ray 41287
Vialpando, Ruben 34020
Vialpanoo, John 37876
Vialpanoo, Richard Evan 38222
Viapando, Rosalie Jeanett 37893
Vicchio, Mitchell 3480
Vice, Ernest A 27642
Vick, William J 40632
Vickers, Cullen 7783
Vickers, John T 35286
Vickery, Richard (Alias) 19979
Vicks, Archie L 24076
Vidis, Mike 7821
Vidmar, Rudolph 25534
Vieara, Larry L 41280
Vielguth, Charles Earl 31181
Vier, Johnny 26523
Vierow, Ernest Junior 26689
Vierra, Fred J 22230
Viestern, Antonio 9141
Vieyra, Florencio 16726
Vigas, Jesus 7127
Vigil Ruben, 41326
Vigil, Albert 33550
Vigil, Alfonso 30670
Vigil, Alvin A 41705
Vigil, Amarante 22208
Vigil, Anastacio 8687
Vigil, Anthony 35614
Vigil, Antonio 11876
Vigil, Archie 37144
Vigil, Arnaldo 16070
Vigil, Arnold 24592
Vigil, Augustin 15156
Vigil, Augustine 8917
Vigil, Augustine 16863
Vigil, Ben 18808
Vigil, Bennie B 33098
Vigil, Bernabe 29945
Vigil, Carl Candido 28687
Vigil, Carlos Edward 34711
Vigil, Charles Ernest 28087
Vigil, Charlie Ernest 29813
Vigil, Chris Oriz 25923
Vigil, Cornelio 26568
Vigil, Cornelio 33772
Vigil, Dan 27866
Vigil, Dan 35132
Vigil, Daniel P 37954
Vigil, David 10356
Vigil, David 12300
Vigil, Donald Joe 29999
Vigil, Donald Joseph 38253
Vigil, Edward Rudy 32068
Vigil, Epifanio 6683
Vigil, Epifanio 9958
Vigil, Ermenio 27426
Vigil, Ernest 31257
Vigil, Ernest 33372
Vigil, Eugene Paul 40222
Vigil, Filimon 28290
Vigil, Filimon 29849
Vigil, Florencio 16839
Vigil, Francisco 732
Vigil, Frank 23053
Vigil, Frank 11992
Vigil, Frank 20074
Vigil, Franklin Albert 34678
Vigil, Franklin Albert 37183
Vigil, Franquilino 12301
Vigil, Fred 38467
Vigil, Fred Jacob 41407
Vigil, George 26338
Vigil, George H 40648
Vigil, George Henry 37152
Vigil, George Henry Sr 35167
Vigil, George Inez 29457
Vigil, George O 39992
Vigil, George Onesimo 35232
Vigil, George Stephen 35290
Vigil, Gilberet Roland 31893
Vigil, Gilbert Rolland 29704
Vigil, Gilbert Rolland 35081
Vigil, I M 20930
Vigil, J Abelino 10319
Vigil, Jack Lazaro 39732
Vigil, Jacob 11506
Vigil, Jacob O 10340
Vigil, Jimmy Phillip 27248
Vigil, Joe 22171
Vigil, Joe 30474
Vigil, Joe 13817
Vigil, Joe 16183
Vigil, Joe L 24228
Vigil, Joe Rudy 41308
Vigil, John 21663
Vigil, John 25619
Vigil, John Don 41370
Vigil, Johnny 26708
Vigil, Johnny Burney 28270
Vigil, Jose Elfidio 29343
Vigil, Jose P 9954
Vigil, Jose P 16445
Vigil, Joseph Claude 34730
Vigil, Joseph D 34798
Vigil, Joseph D 39645
Vigil, Joseph D 40489
Vigil, Joseph David 35390
Vigil, Joseph John 35706
Vigil, Joseph Manuel 35170
Vigil, Joseph Manuel 40011
Vigil, Joseph Napoleon 40083
Vigil, Joseph S 30677
Vigil, Juan DeDios 33274
Vigil, Judy 22860
Vigil, Lawrence 20988
Vigil, Lazaro Jack 31213
Vigil, Lazaro Jack 33228
Vigil, Lazaro Jack 35658
Vigil, Lee 32487
Vigil, Lorenzo 31526
Vigil, Lorenzo 38891
Vigil, Louis 13554
Vigil, Luis M 6765
Vigil, Manuel Leroy 33106
Vigil, Marshall Arvila 29702
Vigil, Mary 39399
Vigil, Mary 16234
Vigil, Matias Felix 39599
Vigil, Max 25970
Vigil, Max T 35303
Vigil, Max Tersio 38136
Vigil, Mick 12559
Vigil, Mike 23749
Vigil, Mike 20279
Vigil, Nestor 6764
Vigil, Nestor 17926
Vigil, Pablo 6916
Vigil, Pablo 8415
Vigil, Pablo 13871
Vigil, Pat Joel 37698
Vigil, Paul 8731
Vigil, Pedro 10715
Vigil, Pedro 19136
Vigil, Pete Sr. 40038
Vigil, Rafeal 21306
Vigil, Ralph 21625
Vigil, Ralph 34237
Vigil, Ralph 37592
Vigil, Ralph 19505
Vigil, Ramon 16778
Vigil, Raymond J 38487
Vigil, Raymond Joe 28632
Vigil, Raymond Joseph 32420
Vigil, Richard Anthony 36704
Vigil, Richard Dick 38069
Vigil, Robert 33206
Vigil, Robert 41592
Vigil, Romolo 17658
Vigil, Roy 17244
Vigil, Ruben Jose 36883
Vigil, Rudy 33613
Vigil, Sam 37770
Vigil, Sara 14244
Vigil, Solomon 20385
Vigil, Tony A 35980
Vigil, Valentine 24349
Vigil, Victor 12545
Vigil, Victor 19851
Vigil, Walter 20075
Vignola, Jerry 15957
Vigoli, George 16524
Vikelis, Harry 14767
Villa, Blaz 10138
Villa, Fortino 30020
Villa, Gilbert 24970
Villa, Joe 13074
Villa, Jose 10009
Villa, Sostener 12716
Villaloa, Juan 25639
Villalobos, Juan 12117
Villalon, John 26759
Villalon, Johnnie B 29147
Villalovas, Trinidad 33144
Villanouva, Narisso 12914
Villanueva, Frederico Lup 41581
Villanueva, H 8814
Villanueva, Lino 15719
Villard, Juilus 1739
Villareal, Jose 12220
Villareal, Jose 16329
Villarreal, Jerry 12072
Villarreal, Jose Angel 38435
Villarreal, Mary Ellen 33949
Villarreal, Sam 21641
Villegas, Alfred N 25448
Villegas, Alfred N 27465
Villegas, Alfred Norman 33483
Villegas, Jesus 7806
Villegas, Joe 15577
Villegas, John 15556
Villegas, John 17595
Villegas, Jose I 19351
Villegas, Orlando 26865
Villegas, Tirzo 11069
Villegas, Tony 23843
Villegas, Tony 27283
Villegas, Tony 33741
Villegos, Joe 14515
Villerreal, Refugio M 28585
Villeyos, Max 21690
Vilmauer, Glen Walter 30570
Vincamp, John W 22826
Vincent, Homer 35473
Vincent, John 4230
Vincent, Lafayette L 4896
Vincent, Nancy Moxley 25897
Vincent, Roy V 15699
Vincent, Woodrow W 19313
Viney, Arthur 7853
Vingle, Charles 3239
Vining, Gilbert L 23370
Vinson, Raymond R 33798
Vint, Fred 7652
Vinton, John H 26678
Violardo, Joe 13785
Virdell, Archie Rex 41382
Virden, H L 27259
Vitas, Steve 23331
Vitas, Steve 16091
Vitas, Steve 18843
Vitatoe, Robert C 40329
Vitatoe, Robert Charles 30254
Vitte, Edith (Bi) 2341
Vittucci, Leonard Joseph 30145
Vizarraga, Maurice 19964
Vlahos, Tom 9418
Vlibarri, Josephine 33919
Vlibarri, Peter Alex 37985
Voake, Walter S 3714
Voble, Georgiana Frances 41580
Vogel, Dan 22455
Vogel, Daniel 23556
Vogel, George 31597
Vogel, Peter 695
Voght, Julius 4562
Vogle, Olinge 11483
Vogliotti, W F 24469
Vogt, Blanch W 28397
Vogt, Gordon 19614
Voit, Leonard 16526
Vokovick, Pete 12895
Voltz, George A 4407
Vonatti, Andrew B 22869
VonBulow, Charles L 8253
VonFeldt, Marvin J 39346
VonGreifenstein, Frederick 21088
VonLanken, Bob 16000
VonTrotta, Otto 1473
VonWeimer, August 7163
Voorten, George 6863
Vorce, Uesot 3365
Vorhees, William 23286
Voris, Frank W 12625
Voris, Harry 7919
Vos, John R N 7768
Voshell, David Chester Jr 32553
Vosler, Joe 16581
Voss, Dora Louise 40961
Voss, Eugene 17953
Voss, Eugene C 12450
Voss, Lawrence 27816
Voss, Lawrence Elwin 33337
Voss, W J 10153
Voss, Walter Jr 28333
Vossen, John L 31382
Vossen, John Lawrence 28569
Votava, James Joseph 40404
Vowell, Clint 29321
Voyland, John 3644
Voyles, H P 30730
Voyles, Henry P 32583
Vrarrial, Ross 14015
Vreeland, Stephen 1538
Vrofer, George J 1606
Vroman, Duane J 37242
Vrsetta, Richard A 41180
Vukich, John 13628
Vulgamore, H A 19495
Vulgamore, Harold A 25910
Back to: Prisoner Records Available at the Colorado State Archives