Biography of Bert Ellis

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Losing his mother by death when he was but three years old and his father when he was fourteen, the lessons of adversity came early to Bert Ellis, one of the substantial and progressive farmers and stock men of Garfield county, this state, whose pleasantly located ranch on Main creek is one of the attractive rural homes in that portion of the state. Mr. Ellis was born in 1856 in Moultrie county, Illinois, and is the son of Walker and Hannah (Carter) Ellis, the former a native of Illinois and the latter of Indiana. The father was a veteran of … Read more

Biography of Edward E. Eglee

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Edward E. Eglee, manager of the Boston Coal & Coke Company at South Canon, Colorado, five miles west of Glenwood Springs, which is one of the largest and most active mining corporations in the state, is a native of Queens county on Long Island, New York, born on October 26, 1860, where he grew to manhood and was educated, being a graduate of the Flushing Institute. After leaving school he devoted his time to building public works until 1902 when he came to this state in the interest of the corporation with which he is now so prominently connected. This … Read more

Biography of Hamlin L. Edgerton

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Hamlin L. Edgerton, of Carbondale, who is known far and wide as one of the enterprising manufacturers and promoters of the Western slope of this state, was born on January 12, 1861, in Ashtabula county, Ohio, and is the son of Daniel G. and Mary (Brewer) Edgerton, the former a native of Vermont and the latter of Connecticut. In 1856 the parents moved to Ohio, and after living there a number of years took up their residence in Illinois. The father was a skillful manufacturer of cheese and built one of the finest factories for the purpose in the state … Read more

Biography of Joseph M. Dyer

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

The scion of an old Virginia family, which, like many others, sought a new home and larger hopes in the undeveloped West, Joseph M. Dyer, of Garfield county, Colorado, true to the traditions and practice of his ancestors, became a pioneer and has materially aided in building up his portion of this state as they did portions of the Mississippi and Ohio valleys. His grandfather, John Dyer, was a native of Virginia and an early settler in Ohio, where Joseph’s father, also named Joseph, was born and where he was engaged in farming for a number of years after reaching … Read more

Biography of Andrew Dow

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Andrew Dow, of the Garfield creek section of Colorado, living on a pleasantly located and highly productive ranch not far from the village of Newcastle, Garfield county, is a native of Scotland, where he was born in 1846, and where his parents were born and reared, and his ancestors had lived and labored for many generations. He is the son of William and Isabella (McPherson) Dow, prosperous farmers in Scotland, who ended their lives and their labors there, the father dying on July 24, 1889, aged seventy-four, and the mother on January 3, 1886, aged sixty-one. The offspring numbered six … Read more

Biography of Amos Jackson Dickson

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

The press is undoubtedly one of the leading educators and most influential potencies in molding and directing public opinion in the modern world, and it is more or less useful according as it is wisely and lucidly, forcibly and honestly conducted or otherwise. Among the agencies in the expression of public thought and the enforcement of a proper public desire in the western part of this state, in the realm of journalism, is the Glenwood Post, one of the best and most influential newspapers on the Western slope, edited and owned by Amos J. Dickson, who purchased it in January, … Read more

Biography of John Delaney

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

From the Emerald Isle, which has given so much of talent, vivacity, versatility and useful labor in various lines of productive effort to our country, came the prominent and progressive cattle and ranchman who is the subject of this article. He was born in Ireland on April 23, 1847, the son of John and Mary Delaney, also Irish by nativity, as their forefathers were for many generations before them. The family emigrated to the United States in 1854 and took up their residence in the state of New York. Here the father, who had been a wholesale grocer and liquor … Read more

Biography of James W. Curtis

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

A Canadian by birth and education and reared in lofty devotion to his native land, James W. Curtis, of Garfield county, this state, with a pleasant home and profitable ranch five miles northeast of Carbondale, is nevertheless fervently loyal to the land of his adoption and the particular state in which he lives. His life began in the province of New Brunswick on April 22, 1842, and he is the son of Charles and Jane (Caneer) Curtis, the former born in Nova Scotia and the latter in New Brunswick. In 1870 they moved to Maine and some time afterward to … Read more

Biography of Samuel Cramer

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

A soldier in the Civil war, a farmer in Iowa, a pioneer in Colorado, and here a miner, a ranchman and a valued public official, Samuel Cramer, of near Basalt, Garfield county, has borne the duties of citizenship with fidelity and courage, however the line of life have fallen for him, and is justly entitled to the esteem and regard in which he is held by his fellow men. He is a native of Linn county, Iowa, born on April 28, 1847, and the son of Solomon and Mary A. (Billiter) Cramer, the father born in Pennsylvania and the mother … Read more

Biography of John C. Cook

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

John C. Cook, one of the leading citizens of the Rifle section of Garfield county, this state, is a native of Dearborn county, Indiana, born on October 29, 1838, and the son of Elisha and Charlotte (Briddle) Cook, the father born in the state of New York and the mother in Maryland. They settled in Indiana in very early days and remained in that state until 1852, when they moved to Iowa, locating in Wapello county. There the father became a successful and prosperous farmer. He was an ardent Republican in political allegiance, and both he and his wife were … Read more

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