Biography of Jens J. Clausen

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Jens J. Clausen, a progressive and successful stock and ranch man of Garfield county, who is now living in the city of Rifle, and who through hard knocks and diligent toil well applied has risen to consequence and won a substantial estate, is a native of Slesvig, Denmark, now a part of Germany. He was born on August 20, 1843, where his parents, Jens and Marelane (Raven) Clausen, were also born and reared, and where after long and useful lives, they were laid to rest in their natal soil, the mother dying in 1848 and the father in 1887. The … Read more

Biography of George A. Clark

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

George A. Clark, the leading hotel keeper of Rifle, where he owns and conducts a house that pleases the commercial tourists and the general public in its appointments and the manner in which its accommodations are served, is a native of Hartford county, Connecticut, where he was born on October 11, 1844. His education was secured by a limited attendance at the public schools and a term or two at Lewis Academy. At the age of fourteen he went to work in a shoe store, and from that time until 1865 he was so occupied in his native state and … Read more

Biography of I. W. Chatfield

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Born in Geauga county, Ohio, in the region which slopes away peacefully to Lake Erie, reared on a farm in Illinois, taking a turn in the commission business when he was but nineteen, burned out by a disastrous fire when he was conducting a prosperous hotel enterprise, living in the midst of alarms at the time of the border war in Kansas, traveling back and forth overland across the plains, buying and selling ranches in Colorado, frequently whirled about in the maelstrom of politics, I. W. Chatfield, of Garfield county, this state, whose home is at Rifle, has had an … Read more

Biography of William Chapman

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

William Chapman, the junior partner in the ranching and cattle firm of Chapman & Son, doing business near Glenwood Springs, is a native of Michigan, born near Saginaw on January 14, 1862, and the son of Simpson and Julia (McAlpin) Chapman, natives of Canada, the father being born and reared near Niagara Falls. They farmed in their native land with moderate success and, thinking to better their condition, moved to Michigan where the father turned his attention to the lumber business, becoming a contractor, with saw-mills in the woods. He was thus engaged four years, then passed five in association … Read more

Biography of William Chadwick

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

The life story of this enterprising and successful stock-grower and ranchman of Garfield county, if told in detail, would differ little in incident and feature from that of thousands of others who came into this western wilderness when the territory was young and unsettled, and with strong and sinewy hand grappled with its hard conditions and bade them stand ruled and deliver up their resources for the benefit of mankind and the onward march of civilization. Yet, trite and well worn as the recital might seem, it is of enduring interest as a part of human history essentially spectacular and … Read more

Biography of Charles A. Chadwick

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Born and reared far from the scenes of his present labors, and occupying the years and energies of his younger manhood in vastly different pursuits from those in which he is now engaged, the native force and adaptability of Charles A. Chadwick, of Garfield county, this state, are such that he turned readily and successfully to his present occupations, and has made them profitable and well worthy of his own continued application and the general esteem in which his management of them are held. He is a native of Kennebunk Port, Maine, where his life began in 1845, and is … Read more

Biography of Henry Clay Carter

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Born and reared far away in the Southland, and when the dread cloud of civil war overspread the country following his convictions through the terrible struggle, facing death on many a hard-fought field and enduring untold hardships and privations in camp and on the march, Henry C. Carter, of Garfield county, this state, one of the prosperous and progressive ranch and cattle men in the neighborhood of Newcastle, knows much of our great country’s history from actual experience and observation under circumstances most likely to make lasting impressions and heighten the pleasures of peaceful enjoyment of its boundless opportunities and … Read more

Biography of William Cardnell

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

The character, stamina and aspirations of a community are often fully typified by its public officials, and, tried by this standard, Garfield county, this state, may claim a high place in the public estimation if its clerk and recorder, William Cardnell, be taken as the standard of judgment. In enterprise, progressiveness, breadth of view and public-spirit in reference to commercial, industrial and public affairs, in scholarship and general capacity, in knowledge of men acquired in a long and varied experience among them under widely different circumstances, and in uprightness and fidelity to duty, he is easily one of the first … Read more

Biography of Frank P. Cannon

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

From the seething agricultural industries of Ohio, amid which he had acquired a thorough knowledge of farming through active practical experience, Frank P. Cannon, of Garfield county, came to Colorado when he was something over twenty years of age, and since then he has been actively connected with the progress and development of this state in various lines of useful effort, taking into the range of his operations almost every occupation peculiar to the country, but devoting himself mainly to the one to which he was bred. He was born in Summit county, Ohio, in 1854, and is the son … Read more

Biography of Edmund F. Campbell

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Edmund F. Campbell, a prosperous and enterprising ranchman and fruit grower, living on the Battlement ranch, five miles east of Parachute, Garfield county, which he owns and farms, and a prominent public man and valued official in his neighborhood, is a native of Prince Edward Island, Canada, where he was born June 1, 1847, and is the son of William and Christy (Frazer) Campbell, the father a native of the island, where he was a farmer and sea-faring man, and where he died in 1870, aged eighty-five. His parents were born and reared in Scotland, of which country his wife … Read more

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