From the seething agricultural industries of Ohio, amid which he had acquired a thorough knowledge of farming through active practical experience, Frank P. Cannon, of Garfield county, came to Colorado when he was something over twenty years of age, and since then he has been actively connected with the progress and development of this state in various lines of useful effort, taking into the range of his operations almost every occupation peculiar to the country, but devoting himself mainly to the one to which he was bred. He was born in Summit county, Ohio, in 1854, and is the son of Israel and Ruth (Sheels) Cannon, prominent and successful farmers there where they are now living. In 1833 he moved to Ohio where he has since resided. During the Civil war he was a recruiting officer for the Union army. The mother was a native of New York, and belonged to a family of ardent Union men, five of her brothers being in the Federal army and doing valiant service in the defense of the perpetuity of the Union. She was the mother of nine children, her son Frank being the first born. He was reared on the Ohio homestead, and in 1875, soon after completing his twentieth year, determined to seek his fortune in the West, and for this purpose came to Colorado and located at Littleton, about fifteen miles from Denver. Here he remained some six years engaged in farming and raising and dealing in stock. In 1880 he removed to Gunnison county, and was there engaged in mining until 1884. In September of that year he settled on the ranch which has since been his home, which is beautifully located on Roan creek, and here he has since vigorously pushed his stock and farming industries to broad development and profitable returns. He was married in 1883 to Miss Christia Sugar, of Nauvoo, Illinois. They have four children, Gladys, Lester, Allen and Ruth. Mr. Cannon has taken a prominent part in public affairs. He secured the establishment of the postoffice at Highmore and the county road leading by it, which is one of the important thoroughfares in the county, and also the Highmore public school, aiding materially in building the house for the same, and serving the local board as secretary for a period of twelve years. He was largely instrumental in having the first election precinct laid off in this section of the county, and was one of the influential forces and most active workers in securing the construction of the Roan creek reservoir for irrigating purposes, which has been one of the main sources of progress in the growth and development of this portion of the county. He is a prominent member of the Masonic order, and takes an influential and serviceable part in all the proceedings of his lodge. Active and forceful in every element of improvement and advancement of his section from the time of his advent among its people, Mr. Cannon is one of the most respected and representative men of his community, and has well exemplified in his career the best attributes of its broad-minded and wide-awake citizenship.
Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.