Edmund F. Campbell, a prosperous and enterprising ranchman and fruit grower, living on the Battlement ranch, five miles east of Parachute, Garfield county, which he owns and farms, and a prominent public man and valued official in his neighborhood, is a native of Prince Edward Island, Canada, where he was born June 1, 1847, and is the son of William and Christy (Frazer) Campbell, the father a native of the island, where he was a farmer and sea-faring man, and where he died in 1870, aged eighty-five. His parents were born and reared in Scotland, of which country his wife was also a native. She died in 1890, at the age of eighty-five. Their son Edmund was reared and educated in his native land, and was specially prepared for business at the Eaton & Frasee Commercial College, where he was graduated in 1877. At the age of thirty-two he came to Colorado and located at Central City where he was engaged in mining for about six months. He then moved to Redcliff and during the next five years was occupied in mining there. Turning his attention to politics, he became the first clerk of Eagle county, and was also justice of the peace and police justice for two years. From Eagle county he moved to Garfield and took up his residence on the ranch he has since owned and occupied, and here he has conducted a thriving business in general ranching and fruit culture. He has also been a justice of the peace eight years in this county, for two years was superintendent of the state fish hatchery, in 1902 was horticultural inspector, and is now treasurer of the school district. He is a Democrat in politics, but is a broad-minded and progressive man, deeply interested in the welfare of his community and held in the highest esteem by all classes of its people. Although he has never married, Mr. Campbell manifests as earnest and intelligent desire for the promotion of every element of greatness and progress as any man of family, and gives himself as vigorously as any other citizen to the aid of every commendable enterprise involving the best interests of the people.
Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.