Biography of Horace Greeley Brown

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Horace Greeley Brown, of Garfield county, who was one of the earliest settlers on Rifle creek and is now one of the most prosperous and popular citizens of that portion of the county, was born on April 8, 1855, in Burlington county, New Jersey, and was there reared and educated, attending only the district schools. He remained at home until he reached the age of twenty, then passed some years working in a machine shop at Smithsville, in his native state, at small wages. After that he opened a meat market there on his own acccount, which he conducted six … Read more

Biography of Samuel Bowles

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Coming from historic old Loudoun county, Virginia, which has given to the service of the United States the wisdom, valor and progressive statesmanship of many distinguished men, and to the social life of the nation the personal charms and intellectual culture of many noble ladies, Samuel Bowles, of Garfield county, this state, who is comfortably settled on a fine ranch in the neighborhood of Carbondale, has in addition to his own force of character and native abilities the incentive to enterprise and breadth of view furnished by a long line of prominent and productive ancestors. His life began on May … Read more

Biography of Judge Arthur L. Beardsley

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

The courts in this country are the last refuge of liberty for the citizen and the ultimate bulwark of defence [sic] for his life and property; and it is well for any community when its judges are men of proven probity, extensive legal learning, patriotic devotion to the public good and unyielding force of character in standing up for essential justice in the administration of the important trusts which they have in charge. In nothing, perhaps, have the states of the farther West been more fortunate and distinguished than in the uprightness and capability of their courts in general. Their … Read more

Biography of A. S. Baxter

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

A. S. Baxter, of Garfield county, pleasantly located on a good ranch in the neighborhood of Glenwood Springs, although born on a day of the month fateful in our history and pregnant with the genesis of bloody strife and battle over political questions on two occasions, has been a man of peace and productive usefulness and is now enjoying the fruits of his labors in even greater peace than that in which he won them. His life began on April 19, 1861, in Clay county, Missouri, and he is the son of James and Kate (Hickman) Baxter, natives of Kentucky … Read more

Biography of Edward G. Barthel

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Edward G. Barthel, now a prosperous and enterprising farmer and stock man of Garfield county, living in the neighborhood of the village of Parachute, has had a varied and interesting experience, in the course of which he has dwelt in a number of places and engaged in several different pursuits. He is a native of Ontario, Canada, where he was born in 1866, at the town of Stratford. His parents were Louis and Rachel (Kastner) Barthel, both natives of Ontario, where the father acquired and wrought at his trade as a machinist. In 1879 they moved to Colorado and settled … Read more

Biography of David Baker

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

David Baker, one of the substantial and successful farmers of Garfield county, whose attractive and well improved ranch lies on Conn creek, twelve miles north of the village of Debeque, has lived in several states and mingled with the agricultural interests thereof in a practical way, mastering the business and indulging a natural taste for rural life and pursuits. He was born in Muscatine county, Iowa, in 1849, and is the son of David and Mary (Miller) Baker, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Germany. The father settled in Ohio in early life, and later lived … Read more

Biography of Lyman W. Austin

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Entering the Union army near the close of the Civil war as a member of Company F, First Iowa Cavalry, at the age of seventeen, and acquiring in that service, perhaps, a love of variety in scene and associations and adventure in life, and thereafter trying his hand at various occupations in a number of different places, but chiefly at farming. Lyman W. Austin worked gradually from his early home in the Mississippi valley to his present location in the mountains of Colorado, where he is not permanently and comfortably established on a good ranch of one hundred and seventy-five … Read more

Biography of Amos Jackson Dickson

Amos Jackson Dickson

Amos J. Dickson hails from Champaign County, Illinois, where he was born on May 6, 1861. His parents are Andrew S. and Henrietta (Boggs) Dickson, the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of Ohio. They located at an early day in Illinois, where the father was a prosperous farmer until 1869, when the family moved to Kansas and after a residence of twenty years in the Sunflower state came to Colorado and located at Colorado Springs, moving from there to Glenwood Springs in 1902.

Biography of Benjamin Sherwood

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Born and reared in Connecticut and endowed by nature with the native ingenuity, thrift and shrewdness of the New Englander, Benjamin Sherwood by his advent into this state brought a valuable addition to the resources and mechanical skill of her then small and scattered population, and his career here has not disappointed the promise of his early manhood or the hopes of his usefulness cherished by those who knew him in youth. He was born at Danbury, Connecticut, on January 16, 1847, the son of Albert and Eleanore (Turkington) Sherwood, natives of the same state as himself. The father was … Read more

Biography of Benjamin K. Watson

Benjamin K. Watson Civil War Pension Card

After many years of toil, in which the elements of danger, hardship and privation have often been present in large measure, and in which he has courageously and vigorously paddled his own canoe from the early age of sixteen, the approaching evening of life finds Benjamin K. Watson, of near Rifle, in Garfield county, comfortably settled on a fine ranch of one hundred and sixty acres in the midst of a productive and progressive region of this state, where he was an early arrival and has been a potent factor in the development and improvement of the country around him. … Read more

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