Biography of A. S. Baxter

A. S. Baxter, of Garfield county, pleasantly located on a good ranch in the neighborhood of Glenwood Springs, although born on a day of the month fateful in our history and pregnant with the genesis of bloody strife and battle over political questions on two occasions, has been a man of peace and productive usefulness and is now enjoying the fruits of his labors in even greater peace than that in which he won them. His life began on April 19, 1861, in Clay county, Missouri, and he is the son of James and Kate (Hickman) Baxter, natives of Kentucky who located in Missouri in the early days of its history. The father was a farmer, especially during the later years of his life. He was an ardent Democrat in politics and a great lover of law and order; and he was therefore called upon to serve the people of his county for many years as deputy sheriff and sheriff. He died in 1884, and the mother is living at Glenwood Springs. Eight of their ten children are living: William, at Newcastle; George, on Piccance [sic] creek, Rio Blanco county; Ella, wife of James Siebert; A.S., of this sketch; Fannie, wife of William Lunning, of Red Bluff, California; Sallie, wife of G.W. Talkenbaugh, [sic] of near Rifle; Wallace, at Rifle; and Kate, at Glenwood Springs. Mr. Baxter received a very limited common-school education, at the age of ten beginning to aid his parents on the farm, and at seventeen starting out for himself. In 1877 he went to California with his mother, and after remaining in that state six years came to Colorado in 1883. He took up a squatter’s right on Canyon creek, and after the government survey was made he pre-empted it. The claim comprised one hundred and sixty acres, and after making some improvements on the property he sold it for a good price in 1900, at which time he bought a part of the ranch which is now his home. This also comprised one hundred and sixty acres and is located near Glenwood Springs. He has added five hundred and twenty acres on Canyon creek to his original purchase, and of the whole tract which he now owns he can cultivate three hundred acres, which yield hay, grain and vegetables of excellent quality in abundance, and a desirable quantity of small fruits. His water right is the second on the creek and is ample for his purposes. In addition to ranching Mr. Baxter has, during the last eighteen years, acted as a guide throughout several of the western states, and has won a high rank and wide reputation as a leader of hunting parties, his outfit for the work being one of the best. It comprises eighty-five pack animals and twenty-one hounds. He is a Woodman of the World in fraternal circles and an ardent and active Democrat in political affairs. On June 27, 1886, he was married to Miss Mary Harbin, a native of California and daughter of Alfred and Addline (Peevey) Harbin, who were born in Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. Baxter have one child, Thomas A. Baxter, who is living at home.

Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.

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