Biography of David Baker

David Baker, one of the substantial and successful farmers of Garfield county, whose attractive and well improved ranch lies on Conn creek, twelve miles north of the village of Debeque, has lived in several states and mingled with the agricultural interests thereof in a practical way, mastering the business and indulging a natural taste for rural life and pursuits. He was born in Muscatine county, Iowa, in 1849, and is the son of David and Mary (Miller) Baker, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Germany. The father settled in Ohio in early life, and later lived in Iowa, Kansas and Missouri, ending his life in the state last named on January 30, 1903, at the age of eighty-six years. His wife died in Iowa in 1857. They were the parents of three children, David being the second. His boyhood was passed in Iowa, Kansas and Missouri, and owing to the migratory life of the family his opportunities for regular attendance at school were few and interrupted. At the age of seventeen he entered upon the task of making his own livelihood, and during the next eight years was variously employed in the neighborhood of his Missouri home. In 1873 he came to Colorado and remained a short time in Douglas county, then returned to Missouri. The next year he again became a resident of this state, locating in El Paso county, where for eleven months he was employed in logging. From there he moved to the San Luis valley. Here he was engaged eight years as a range rider and herdsman for W.D. & J.G. Coberly, a portion of the time being spent in Huerfano county and a portion also in Grand county. In 1883 he moved to where he now lives in Garfield county, locating on an excellent ranch on Conn creek which he has since greatly improved and increased in productiveness. In 1807 he was married to Miss Lizzie Armstrong and they have two children, John D. and Mary E. Mr. Baker’s life has not wholly passed in the pursuits of peace. In 1868 he enlisted in Company H, Nineteenth Kansas Cavalry, for a campaign of six months against the Indians, and rendered valiant service, and in every way has always been ready to take his part of any public burden.

Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.

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