Biography of Daniel McCarthy

Daniel McCarthy, of near Carbondale, one of Garfield county’s most enterprising, successful and esteemed ranchmen and cattle-growers, brought with him to his present location and business the native resourcefulness and adaptability of his race, fortified by the wisdom gained in a varied experience and many contests with difficulty and hardship. He was born on December 11, 1859, in county Limerick, Ireland, where his parents, Dennis and Catherine (Barry) McCarthy, were also born and reared. Coming to the United States in 1889, they made their way at once to this state and settled at Aspen, where they followed farming until the death of the mother, on March 1, 1898, since which time the father has made his home with his son Daniel. Both belonged to the Catholic church, and were devoted in attention to their religious duties. Seven children were born to them, one named Mary being deceased. The living six are Daniel, of Garfield county; Nora, the wife of Anton Galina; John, living at Cripple Creek; Lizzie, the wife of Alexander Crook; Dennis, a resident of Telluride; and Michael, a citizen of Leadville. Daniel received but little schooling, and that at the common schools which he attended for short times at irregular intervals. He remained with his parents, working in their interest, until he reached the age of twenty-one, then in 1880 came to this country to make his own living and embrace the opportunities held out here to thrift and enterprise. His first location was at Galveston, Texas, where he followed milling for a year. In 1881 he came to Colorado, and after working as a laborer on railroad construction for a year, was promoted foreman, in which capacity he remained in the employ of the Rio Grande and Colorado Midland railroads ten years. In 1891 he began ranch life, purchasing one hundred and sixty acres of land of Newton Lentz, and, succeeding in his venture, in 1903 he bought five hundred acres adjoining this, known as the Lloyd Grubb ranch. Of these properties he is still profitably engaged, raising the best crops of hay, grain and potatoes, which are produced in abundance and of excellent quality. He also raises stock in numbers which have a high rank in the markets. As a side issue he invents improvements in machinery, and in this branch of his industry he exhibits unusual skill and ability. He is actively interested in the welfare of his section of the state, supporting with ardor and enterprise every commendable project for its promotion and advancement. In politics he is independent, and in fraternal life belongs to the Odd Fellows, the Modern Woodmen of America and the Woodmen of the World. He was married on July 24, 1882, to Miss Maria Wills, a native of Queens county, Ireland, where her parents, Thomas and Ann (Malone) Wills, were also born. Her father was a merchant after passing a portion of his life as a laborer. He and his wife were members of the Catholic church. They had two children, Annie, who resides in her native county in Ireland, and Mrs. McCarthy. The father died in 1860 and the mother in 1898. Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy have had six children. A son named Arthur is deceased. The five living are Mary J., Annie E., Ida C., Ella Nora and Grace Frances.

Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.

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