Biography of David J. Hoffman

The fifth of thirteen children born to his parents, and obliged by the circumstances of the family to begin earning his own living early in life, David J. Hoffman, of Parachute, Garfield county, had but limited educational advantages except in the rugged but thorough school of experience, and his rise to comfort and consequence is therefore the result of his own endeavors and force of character. He was born June 11, 1838, at Lapeer, Michigan, where his parents settled some years before, and is the son of Peter C. and Sarah (Taylor) Hoffman, now both deceased. The father was a German by nativity and came to the United States in 1811, locating and living for a number of years near Boston. Later he moved his family to Michigan, and after a long course of industry at his trade as a cabinetmaker, died at Lapeer in 1866, aged sixty-nine years. The mother was born and reared in New York, and died in 1873, at the age of eighty-two. Their son David grew to manhood in his native town, and after reaching his majority went to work at his trade as a carpenter in the neighborhood of his home, remaining there thus engaged until 1862. He then enlisted in defense of the Union in Company I, Twentieth Michigan Infantry, and served his full term of three years in that command. He was mustered out in July, 1865, and soon after went to Ohio and began business as a contractor in railroad construction work, especially building bridges. He continued actively occupied in this line eight years, and in 1879, during the Leadville, Colorado, gold excitement, came to that place. Until 1884 he remained there prospecting and mining, and following other occupations, then settled on the ranch which he now owns and resides on near Parachute, Garfield county. His ranch is pleasantly located on Parachute creek and comprises a large body of fertile and productive land; and on it he has conducted a profitable and expanding farming and stock industry. He also runs a café in the village and carries on a thriving business at his trade. In 1861 he was married to Miss Ellen Hyde, who died in 1885, leaving three children, Gerland, Ida and Cora. In 1891 Mr. Hoffman married a second wife, Miss Sarah Brown, whose death occurred July 8, 1904. His war experience was a severe and trying one, and he keeps alive its memories and companionships by taking an active interest in the affairs and meetings of the Grand Army of the Republic, holding his membership in the post of the order at Rifle. He is an industrious, law-abiding citizen, with a deep and intelligent devotion to the welfare of his country in general and the section of his residence in particular, and he is well esteemed wherever he is known for his breadth of view, his public spirit and the sterling qualities of manhood generally which he exhibits.

Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.

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