Biography of Martin Hotz

Martin Hotz, who is one of the extensive and successful stock-growers and ranchmen of Garfield county, and who lives on a rich and well-tilled ranch of eight hundred acres eight miles north of Basalt, was born and reared at Baden, Germany, and is the son of Valentine and Elizabeth Hotz, of that portion of the fatherland, and is the only surviving member of his family, both of his parents and the rest of their six children having died, the father on March 31, 1858, and the mother on March 18, 1866. The father was a prosperous and skillful farmer, being accounted, before he lost his eyesight, the best farmer in his whole neighborhood. The parents were members of the Catholic church and had a family of six children, five of whom died at various ages. They were Vincense, Mary A., Barbara, Katherine and Theresa. Martin attended school nine years in his native land and between the terms aided his parents on the farm. At the age of nineteen he began to learn the trade of a cooper, and in 1872 came to the United States, locating at St. Louis, Missouri. He worked there at his trade until 1889, at which time he came to Colorado and at once pre-empted a claim of one hundred and sixty acres of land, the nucleus of his present ranch, which he has increased by subsequent purchases to eight hundred acres, seven hundred of which are under cultivation and yield abundantly of hay, grain and vegetables. He also raises large numbers of cattle and enough horses for his own use. During the past four years his sons have operated a threshing outfit and found it a profitable enterprise. In political matters Mr. Hotz is a zealous Republican, and in fraternal life belongs to the St. Joseph and St. Nicholas beneficial societies. He was married on September 3, 1874, to Miss Mary Hunt, of St. Louis, Missouri, the daughter of Anton and Frances Hunt, who were born at Baden, Germany, and came to this country soon after their marriage. The father was an industrious and skillful laborer, and made a good living for his family. They were members of the Catholic church, and devoutly attentive to their church duties. Six children were born to them. Of these two died in infancy and a son named George on July 3, 1893. The children living are John A., of Salt Lake City; Frances, the wife of Mr. Hotz; and Bernhardt, of Rosette, Utah. The mother died on August 27, 1886, and the father on March 3, 1901. Mr. and Mrs. Hotz have eight children, whose names are Clara, Elizabeth, George, Bernhardt, Joseph, Mary, Theresa and Augustine.

Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.

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