Biography of Whitaker Jayne

Since 1889 Whitaker Jayne, of near Raven, Garfield county, has been an industrious and progressive resident of Colorado, and during the whole of the time has been devoted to the interest of the state and active in the promotion of its welfare. He is a native of Wayne county, Pennsylvania, born on June 25, 1842, and the son of John W. and Deborah (Early) Jayne, the father born in the state of New York and the mother in Pennsylvania. They began their domestic life in Pennsylvania in 1841. In 1854 they moved to Iowa, and when the Civil war began both father and son joined Company B, Eighth Iowa Infantry, in defense of the Union. The son served until discharged on account of disabilities incurred in the line of duty. At the battle of Shiloh the father was taken prisoner, but was soon afterward discharged through the Confederate lines because of his physical disability and weakness. The late years of his life have been devoted to the fire insurance business at Lone Tree, Iowa. Whitaker was the only child born in the family, and he and the father survive the mother, who died on August 25, 1842. She belonged to the Baptist church, as the father does now. He is also a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and the Republican party. The son attended the public schools at Muscatine, Iowa, and also an academy. He remained with his father, working in his interest, until he reached the age of twenty-one, then began farming for himself in Iowa. From 1854 to 1877 he lived in that state, then moved to Franklin county, Nebraska, but meeting with no sufficient success in his efforts there, transferred his energies to Sherman county, Kansas. In 1889 he came to Denver, and locating about seven miles northwest of Denver, began ranching and raising stock, which he continued in that neighborhood eleven years. In 1900 he came to his present location and settled on the ranch that he now owns and operates. It comprises one hundred and sixty acres, one hundred and fifteen of which can be cultivated, and raises good crops of hay, grain and vegetables. He also raises numbers of cattle which form a profitable industry. Mr. Jayne was one of the original incorporators and has been one of the main promoters of the eighteen-mile high line ditch, and is the present road overseer of his district. He belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic, and in politics gives his allegiance without stint to the policies and candidates of the Republican party. On February 25, 1864, he united in marriage with Miss Alice Budlong, a native of Oakland county, Michigan, the daughter of Milton S. and Guli A. (Alvord) Budlong, natives of New York state. Leaving their native state, they lived for a time in Michigan, then in Iowa. In June, 1854, they moved to Nebraska, and in 1872 returned to Iowa. The father was a lawyer in active practice, and during the later years of their lives both were members of the Presbyterian church. The mother died on February 8, 1884, and the father on December 18, 1903. Their four children all survive them: Susan A., wife of Ferdinand Furst, of Adair, Iowa; Mrs. Jayne; Augustus, living at Salem, Oregon; and Cassius E., at Salem, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Jayne have had eight children. A son named Ferdinand has died, and the seven living are: Julius E., at Camden, New Jersey; John W., at home; Mary A., wife of Ernest Douglas, at Sunnyside, Washington; Deborarh E., wife of J. Ernest, at Raven, Colorado; Milton R., at home; Gulie, wife of Edward Martin, at Toppenish, Washington; and Morton S., at home.

Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.

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