Alfred George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred George, was born in Fulton, Missouri, October 1, 1851 and passed away last Friday evening, June first, his age being 77 years 8 months. His last illness began last October as heart trouble developed.
He received his early school training in Missouri, and at the age of 12 years came west with his folks, driving one of the ox teams across the plains to Canon City in 1863. To us this seems quite a feat for a boy of 12. But we look back with interest to those pioneer children as well as their fathers and mothers, for they were very brave, industrious and sturdy. The children early took their places in the great army that conquered the extensive wild area of this mighty land. He came to the Rifle Creek Community in March 1887. Here he lived continuously ever since. So for more than forty years he has taken manfully his place in the building up of this most excellent part of the state of Colorado.
Mr. George was united in marriage with Miss Clara V. Noble at the El Jebel ranch eight miles above Carbondale on March 18, 1886. To this union five children were born. Of the children one daughter, Annie L. passed away at the age of 12 years.
He is survived by his wife and four children and sixteen grand children. The children are Claude A., Harry N., Mrs. Margaret Brosius and Jasper, all of Rifle Creek. It is noteworthy that all his family was with him the last day of his life.
Mr. George had followed agriculture as a life work. Like most of our worthy pioneer group, he loved nature and God’s great outdoor. He was a man of kind and even temperament, ever ready to lend a helping hand, or give a cheering word. He was a true and loyal friend and greatly loved as husband and father. He will be mourned and missed by his community as well as his loved ones.
Funeral services were held at the Christian church Monday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock with Rev. A. N. Martin officiating. Mesdames J. Whitt and Harry Harp and Messrs Harold McKee and Claude Graham sang with Mrs. Eph Preontain at the piano. Interment is Rose Hill cemetery by Mortician Fred Sayer. Mr. George’s funeral was one of the largest held in Rifle for some time.

Source: The Rifle Telegram, June 7, 1928