Biography of D. F. Blair

The inspiring story of the conquest, occupation, development and cultivation of the great West of the United States never loses its interest oft told though it be. It is the account of an unebbing tide of progress over difficulties almost inconceivable to those who have not experienced them, and its true and full recital would glow with heroism, be tinged with sentiment and romance, deeply shadowed with tragedy, melting in its pathos and glorious in triumph for civilization and the good of mankind. This majestic march has never halted or considered defeat. As soon as one part of the country was occupied and settled another was entered, the sons and daughters of pioneers repeating farther in the wake of the setting sun the work of their parents where their own lives began, and in turn giving their heroic spirit and high example to their offspring for inspiration to renewed battle with the opposing force of nature and further conquests. D.F. Blair, of Mesa county, Colorado, living fourteen miles southeast of Grand Junction, in his career and origin is an epitome of this story. He was born in 1855, in Holt county, Missouri, where his parents were pioneers, and in turn became one himself in this state. He is the son of James and Emeline (Jasper) Blair, the former a native of Illinois and the latter of Kentucky. In 1849 the father went to California, where he remained about two years, then returning eastward settled in Missouri, where he was engaged in farming until his death, in 1897, at the age of sixty-eight years. His widow is still living in that state and has her home at Mound City. They were the parents of six sons and six daughters, the subject of this sketch being the second in the order of birth. He passed his childhood, youth and early manhood in his native county, remaining at home until he reached the age of twenty-four years, and receiving in the district schools what educational training there was available to him under the circumstances. In 1879 he came to this state and settled at Gothic, Gunnison county, and there engaged in mining until 1882. He then moved to the vicinity of Whitewater, Mesa county, and there he has since continuously resided and been occupied in farming and raising stock and fruit on an expanding scale and with increasing profits. Being one of the early settlers in this neighborhood, he has also been one of the most useful and progressive, doing well himself and inspiring others to greater efforts by his influence and example. In 1893 he was united in marriage with Miss Olive West. They have three sons, Floyd, Cecil and James. In all the elements of good citizenship Mr. Blair has been true and straightforward, showing great and intelligent interest in the welfare of his section of the state, and meeting all his obligations in every relation of public and private life with manliness and fidelity. He is one of the esteemed men of his community and representative of its best aspirations.

Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.

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