Biography of J. A. Laurent

The interesting subject of this brief review, whose productive life of nearly a third of a century in this state has been of considerable service in developing and building up the section of it in which he lives, is a Canadian by nativity, born in the province of Quebec in 1837. He is a son of M.A. and Julianna (Giroux) Laurent, who were both born in Quebec and lived there until a few years ago, when they came to this state and have since made their home with their son. Mr. Laurent remained in his native land until he had passed the verge of manhood by several years. He received a good district school education, and when he was about twenty-five years old, after following various employments for several years he entered a store as clerk and salesman, and during the next three years he remained there in that capacity. At the end of the period mentioned he determined to come to the United States and seek a home amid the wide and promising opportunities so abundant in its western section. Accordingly in 1892 he came to Colorado, and settling on the farm which is now his home, located twenty miles southeast of Grand Junction, Mesa county, and engaged in raising fruit and cattle on an expanding scale. His business has prospered and has grown with the flight of time, and it is now one of the most extensive and profitable of its kind in that part of the state. It comprises the production and handling of all sorts of the usual domestic fruits, and he finds a ready and eager market for all of his output. His orchards are thrifty, with the trees and varieties well selected, and receive the most skillful attention. Mr. Laurent was married in 1884 to Miss Rosanna Trahan, a native of Quebec. They have nine children, Victor A., Oscar, Hector, Antoinette, Georgie, Joe D., Rosanna, Albertine and Laura, all living at home. The head of the house is widely known and highly esteemed as a citizen and holds a high rank as a businessman of enterprise, breadth of view and progressiveness. He and his family stand well in the best social circles and are important factors in the public life of the community.

Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.

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