Biography of W. A. Kennedy

Prominent and successful as a fruit-grower on a small farm located one mile and a half north of Grand Junction, which is as far renowned for the quality of its output as for the quantity, W. A. Kennedy has contributed by his industry and skill much to the comfort and enjoyment of the people of his section has added a new commodity to the marketable produce of its soil. He was born at Rockford in Blount county, Tennessee, in the year 1854, the son of A. A. and Sarah E. (Martin) Kennedy, also natives of that state. They moved from there to Dallas, Texas, where the father remained until his death in 1883, aged about sixty-five years. His wife died in Colorado in 1891 at about the same age. They were the parents of seven children, their son W. A. being the third. His boyhood to the age of twelve was passed in his native state. He then accompanied his parents and the rest of the family to Texas, and after leaving school was engaged in keeping a hotel in connections with his father at Dallas for a number of years. In 1885 he came to Colorado and settled at Grand Junction where he kept a restaurant and short-order house for about a year. He then purchased five acres of unimproved wild land and began to put it into condition for the production of fruit. He has since brought it to a good state of productiveness for this purpose and added another purchase of four acres, which is also rewarding his industry with good returns. Both properties are well improved and yield abundantly and he is an acknowledged authority in the business. At first, while his trees were growing, and before they began bearing, his plan was to plant the ground between them in strawberries which brought him in a goof income until the larger fruit became available. In 1882 he was married to Miss Josephine Payton, a native of Missouri, where her parents spent their lives. They have two children, Lynn and Ray. In addition to his business, which has been a means of improving the general conditions and commercial wealth of the community, Mr. Kennedy has actively contributed his time and energy in support of every commendable undertaking for the advancement and improvement of the section in which he lives, proving himself to be a man of public spirit and enterprise in public affairs as well as in his private interest; and while not an active partisan or office seeker, has given loyal adherence to the principles of the Democratic party and faithful and helpful support to its candidates. He is well esteemed also in social circles, and has a host of friends who appreciate his worth and admire the uprightness and force of character exemplified by him.

Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.

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