Biography of Martin Hotz

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Martin Hotz, who is one of the extensive and successful stock-growers and ranchmen of Garfield county, and who lives on a rich and well-tilled ranch of eight hundred acres eight miles north of Basalt, was born and reared at Baden, Germany, and is the son of Valentine and Elizabeth Hotz, of that portion of the fatherland, and is the only surviving member of his family, both of his parents and the rest of their six children having died, the father on March 31, 1858, and the mother on March 18, 1866. The father was a prosperous and skillful farmer, being … Read more

Biography of Oscar Holland

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Oscar Holland, the originator of potato-growing in the vicinity of Carbondale, and since he started it one of the most extensive and successful promoters of the industry, is a self-made man, whose fortunes have been builded by himself without outside aid or favoring circumstances. He is made of a fiber that would have found a vigorous growth anywhere, whatever the conditions, for he has eyes to see and energy to take hold of and properly use his opportunities, and even in adversities can find a means of grace to better his estate. He was born near Platte City, Missouri, on … Read more

Biography of David J. Hoffman

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

The fifth of thirteen children born to his parents, and obliged by the circumstances of the family to begin earning his own living early in life, David J. Hoffman, of Parachute, Garfield county, had but limited educational advantages except in the rugged but thorough school of experience, and his rise to comfort and consequence is therefore the result of his own endeavors and force of character. He was born June 11, 1838, at Lapeer, Michigan, where his parents settled some years before, and is the son of Peter C. and Sarah (Taylor) Hoffman, now both deceased. The father was a … Read more

Biography of Hans S. Henrickson

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

One of the foreign contributions to the industrial and agricultural forces of the United States who is entitled to mention in any account of the enterprising and progressive men of the Western slope in Colorado is the subject of this brief review, Hans S. Henrickson, of Garfield county, residing and carrying on a profitable business in the vicinity of Newcastle. He has become thoroughly Americanized in his ideas and methods, and is deeply loyal to the interests and instructions of his adopted country and in full sympathy with the welfare of its people. Mr. Henrickson was born in Denmark on … Read more

Biography of William Humphrey Hickman

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

The prosperous and enterprising ranchman whose name heads this sketch is a brother of John Hickman, a sketch of whom will be found on another page of this work, and a son of Frederick and Elizabeth (Mount) Hickman. He was born near Strawberry Plains, in eastern Tennessee, on March 31, 1853, and was reared on a farm, attending the district schools when he could, and there receiving a limited education. He remained with his parents and worked on the farm in their interest until he was twenty-four. Living then in Missouri, he at that time began farming in that state … Read more

Biography of John F. Hickman

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

This prosperous and progressive ranchman, cattle-grower and fruit culturist of Garfield county, who was one of the earliest settlers in the neighborhood of Rifle, locating there before the town was laid out or started, hails from far-away Tennessee, where he was born, near Strawberry Plains, in Jefferson county, on November 25, 1865, and where his parents, Frederick and Elizabeth (Mount) Hickman, also were born. They moved to Missouri in the fall of 1870, when he was but five years old, and located in Caldwell county, where they passed the remainder of their days farming and raising stock. The father was … Read more

Biography of Frank L. Heuschkel

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Tempest tossed by wind and wave on almost every sea, tried by almost every form of hardship and privation, laid under conditions of hard labor to make a living in many places, and finding for years every sky frowning upon him, Frank L. Heuschkel, of Garfield county, this state, who is living near Glenwood Springs, finds himself at last comfortably fixed for life, owning a fine property, conducting a profitable business of magnitude, with a worldly competence that secures him against adversity, and firmly established in the regard and good will of the community which, during the last nineteen years, … Read more

Biography of William V. Heaton

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Living on a fine ranch of one hundred and sixty-one acres which he originally took up as a pre-emption claim, one hundred and forty-five acres of which are under ditch with a plentiful supply of water, and which is located four miles north of Rifle, Garfield county, and there quietly pursuing the peaceful and productive life of a prosperous and progressive rancher “Far from the madding crowd’s ignoble strife.” William V. Heaton would seem to be safe from all the shafts of adversity and have a portion in the struggle for supremacy among men in full accord with the quiet … Read more

Biography of Henry Hasley

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

For a full quarter of a century this progressive and successful business man has been a resident of Colorado, and during the whole of that time he has been prominent in business and devoted in thought and serviceable activity to the progress and development of the state. He is a native of Allegheny, Pennsylvania, born on September 3, 1857. His parents were Jacob and Anna Hasley, natives of Switzerland who came to this country in early life and settled in Pennsylvania, where the father became prominent as a successful manufacturer of soap and speculator in oil. Later in life he … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Harris

Garfield County Map, originally published in 1885 by George F Cram

Charles H. Harris, of near Carbondale, who owns and manages one of the largest and richest ranches in Garfield county, is a native of Clintonville, Clinton county, New York, and the son of William and Catherine (Jayne) Harris, whose history is given more at length on another page of this work. He was born on April 1, 1852, and was four years old when the family moved to Wisconsin. He was reared on the paternal homestead to the age of nineteen, assisting in the work on the farm and attending the public schools in the neighborhood when he could. In … Read more

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