After years of storm and danger since reaching man’s estate, and enduring hardship and privation in almost every form, Enos F. Yeoman, of the Parachute creek region, Garfield county, has found a peaceful home amid the abundant opportunities and large rewards for systematic labor offered in the state of Colorado. He was born in 1842 in Fayette county, Ohio, the place of nativity also of his parents, Levi and Mary J. (White) Yeoman, well-to-do farmers of that state. The mother died in 1855 and the father in 1863. Their offspring numbered seven, Enos being the second. He was reared on the farm and bore his part in its useful labors until the beginning of the Civil war, when he enlisted in Company K, Forty-Eighth Ohio Infantry, in which he served three years, six months and fifteen days. Soon after the close of the war he settled at Cheyenne, Wyoming, and found employment as a government scout. He was sent to Fort Bowie in the Chiricahua mountains in Arizona, where he remained until 1876, then returned to Wyoming and was employed as a scout in the Sioux war of that year under Generals Crook and Merritt and in this campaign saw hard service and had many narrow escapes. He was with Thornburg at the Mill creek massacre and in many other of the noted engagements of the time. After the close of this war he went to Nebraska and in 1880 was married to Hiss [sic] Ellen Shimel, of Iowa. He then moved to where he now resides on Parachute creek and where he has since been engaged in farming and raising stock. He takes an active interest in school affairs, being secretary of the local school board, and in other phases of the public life of his community. He is a social member of the Woodmen of the World. He and his wife are the parents of eight children, seven of whom are living, Melvin, Elmo, Blanch, Clifford, Grace and Lela. Another daughter named Maud died in 1900, at the age of seventeen. Mr. Yeoman is diligent and faithful in all the duties of citizenship and no man in his community is more highly or more generally esteemed.
Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.