Biography of Joseph Yule

Joseph Yule, considered generally the leading and most substantial ranchman in the county of Garfield, and living on a fine ranch of five hundred and twenty acres on the creek of the same name not far from Newcastle, is essentially a self-made man and a good product of his own energy and capacity. He was born in Ashland county, Ohio, on December 13, 1846, and is a brother of George Yule, of this county (see sketch elsewhere). He received a very limited education at the public schools and aided his parents in their farm work until he was twenty-two, then began the battle of life for himself. In the meantime, however, he devoted three years of his young life to the defense of the Union in the Civil war, enlisting when he was seventeen in Company I, Fortieth Iowa Infantry. At the close of the war he was discharged at Davenport, Iowa, and soon afterward came with his brother George to Colorado, and worked with him until 1880, spending his summers for the most part at Gunnison and his winters at Denver. He passed considerable time in mining, but without success, and camped one year on the Roaring Fork river. In 1880 he entered into partnership with John Murray in ranching and raising cattle. The partnership continued five years and was then harmoniously dissolved. Since then Mr. Yule has been ranching and raising cattle for himself, having located a squatter’s claim on what was then an Indian reservation. When the land was surveyed he pre-empted his claim of one hundred and sixty acres, and he has since added to it by purchase until he now owns five hundred and twenty acres, of which he has one hundred and eighty acres under advanced cultivation with increasing productiveness and profits, bringing forth all the usual products of the neighborhood, with fruit in addition, and hay and cattle as his main reliance. He has shown great and intelligent interest in the development and improvement of the section from the time of his settlement here, giving close attention to local affairs and bearing cheerfully his share of the burdens incident to public improvements and every undertaking for the good of the community. In political affiliation he is an active Republican, but he works for the welfare of his district without regard to party interests. He served nine years as a member of the school board, and was once elected road overseer, but declined the position. He is a valued member of the Grand Army of the Republic and is full of energy in behalf of the post to which he belongs in the organization. In April, 1889, he was united in marriage with Miss Maggie Allen, a native of Jasper county, Iowa, the daughter of James and Johanna Allen, who were also natives of that county. Her father was a carpenter but has developed [sic] the later years of his life to farming. He is a Democrat in political faith and both he and his wife are members of the Congregational church. Eleven children were born to them, several of whom are living: John, William, Fred, Lizzie (Mrs. Charles Davie) and Jesse, all living in Iowa; and Mrs. Yule of this state. In all the relations of life and with reference to all the duties of citizenship Mr. Yule has borne himself creditably, and the universal esteem in which he is held is but a just meed to his personal merit.

Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.

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