Biography of Hyrcanus Staton

Although made an orphan at the age of seventeen by the death of his father, Mr. Staton did not experience the hardships often incident to that condition, for his father had been thrifty and was able to leave enough for the support and education of his children, and so they were properly prepared for the battle of life, and he received careful rearing at the hands of his mother. He was born in Wayne county, Illinois, on March 14, 1844, and is the son of Wesley and Elizabeth (Cisna) Staton, the former a native of Kentucky and the latter of Ohio. They settled in Illinois while the Indians were still numerous there, and suffered many of the privations and dangers of early frontier life. The father was a manufacturer of hats during the earlier portion of his life, but in later years devoted his energies to farming and operating a grist-mill. He was successful in business and stood well in his community. In political relations he was an uncompromising Democrat, and in religious faith, a Methodist, his wife also belonging to that church. He died in 1851 and she in 1893. They had a family of nine children, four of whom survive them: Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Ellis, living near Arlington, Illinois; Hyrcanus, living near Glenwood Springs, this state; Caleb L., living at Oklahoma; and Franklin P., living at Eagle, Colorado. Hyrcanus was educated at the public schools and the Southern Illinois College, and secured enough book learning to qualify him to teach school. He began work in this line in his home county, and continued it there thirteen years. He then, in 1880, came to Colorado, and during the next two years was engaged in the same pursuit at Golden and Malta. The next three years were passed by him in conducting a dairy at Leadville, which he found to be a profitable business, the average price of milk during the period being eighty cents a gallon. In 1885 he purchased the squatter’s right to the ranch he now owns and operates, and which he has improved and brought to productiveness. It is located seven miles south of Glenwood Springs, in Garfield county, and comprises one hundred and fifty-three acres, one hundred and twenty acres being under cultivation. The water right is good and the supply sufficient, and hay, grain and potatoes of excellent quality are produced in abundance, and cattle are also raised extensively. Mr. Staton has, in addition to his ranching and cattle industries, been the local representative of the National Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Denver for the last six years, and has also served for a number of years as the school furnishing agent. He was married on November 2, 1873, to Miss Margaret M. Holmes, a native of Carroll county, Ohio, but reared in Wayne county, Illinois, the daughter of William and Martha (Wisman) Holmes, the father born in Pennsylvania and the mother in Ohio. They located in Illinois in the early days of its history and there became prosperous farmers. The father was a man of public-spirit and took great interest in the affairs of the community in which he lived. In Ohio he served a number of years as county clerk and auditor. In politics he was an ardent Democrat, and both were members of the Presbyterian church. Four children were born to them, Eli, Mrs. Staton, Mary, wife of William Westfall, of Glenwood Springs, and George, of Canon City. The mother died in 1867 and the father in 1885. They were Presbyterians. Mr. and Mrs. Staton have had eight children. One died in infancy and a son named Charles C. in more advanced life. The six living are William F., Gertrude, wife of Marcus L. Shippee, living at Emma, Colorado; Herbie G., residing at Franklin, California; Elbert Forest; M. Leta, a school teacher, and Cana Ivan. As a business man, a public official, a good citizen and a promoter of every commendable enterprise for the advancement of his country and section of the state, Mr. Staton has been faithful and serviceable, and on his demonstrated merit he has attained to a high standing in the regard and good will of his fellow men. He has won success and consequence in Colorado, and is loyal to every interest of the state and every proper ambition of her people.

Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.

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