Biography of Kilburn C. Voorhees

One of the active and progressive business men of Glenwood Springs, where he conducts a prosperous livery business, Kilburn C. Voorhees has aided materially in promoting the growth and development of this section of the state and building up its interests. In addition to his business in town he carries on a flourishing and profitable ranching and stock industry in the county, and is active in every worthy enterprise for the advancement of the community and the benefit of its people. He was born in Wisconsin on September 10, 1862, and is the son of Tunis V. and Maria (Clifford) Voorhees, the father a native of New York state and the mother of Canada. The paternal ancestors of the family came over in the “Mayflower” and have been zealous and prominent in the history of the country at every stage of its progress since early Colonial times. Mr. Voorhees’ immediate parents settled in Wisconsin in their early married life, but not long afterward moved to Iowa, then to Nebraska and afterward to Illinois. Down to 1880 the father was a farmer, but he is now receiver for the board of trade in Chicago, and is doing well. He is a Republican in politics, and from time to time has held local offices in the place of his residence. His fraternal relations are with the Masonic order and the Royal Arcanum, and in religious affiliation he is connected with the Congregational church, as is also his wife. They have had seven children. One, May D., died in 1890. The six living are Kilburn C., Perry F., Franklin V., James M., Emma and Wright. Kilburn attended the public schools and assisted his father on the farm, remaining at home until he was nearly eighteen years old. In 1879 he came from Nebraska to Colorado, arriving in the summer, and after passing six months in Denver occupied in various employments, in the spring of 1880 he moved to his present locality and began prospecting and mining, which he continued for ten years. Some of the mines discovered and located by him during that period have since proven to be good properties. Within this time he also conducted a ranch four years at Delta. In 1893 he sold all his property and coming to Glenwood, engaged in the livery business, buying out F.A. Enoch and forming a partnership with A.E. Yewell, which continued five years from July 1, 1893, and was then harmoniously dissolved, he purchasing his partner’s interest. Since then he has conducted the business alone. He is also interested in a large ranch located near Glenwood which produces good crops of hay, grain, fruit and the best quality of potatoes. He takes an active and helpful interest in public local affairs, and has served four years as a member of the board of aldermen. Fraternally he is connected with the Masonic order and the Eagles, and politically is an ardent Republican. On November 25, 1898, he was married to Miss Minnie L. Young, a native of Quincy, Illinois, and daughter of James Young. Her father was a steamboat captain for many years, and both he and his wife have paid nature’s last debt, dying some years ago.

Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.

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