Biography of Peter Wald

Peter Wald, of Garfield county, a portion of whose ranch is within the corporate limits of Carbondale, and who is extensively engaged in general ranching and raising cattle, is a native of Switzerland, born on May 28, 1834, and descended from long lines of ancestors who bore well their part in the history of that inspiring little republic in peace and war. His parents were Conrad and Ursula (Margreth) Wald, who were born and reared in Switzerland also. They emigrated to the United States in 1852, and after a residence of six years in Grant county, Wisconsin, moved to Buffalo county, in the same state, and there passed the remainder of their days in peaceful and prosperous husbandry, and as devoted and zealous members of the German Reformed church. They had a family of five children, three of whom are living and survive their parents, who departed this life, the father in 1874 and the mother in 1900. The living children are Jacob, and Katharine, the wife of Wieland Allemann, both living in Buffalo county, Wisconsin, and Peter, who is the subject of this review. Peter was educated at the state schools and remained with his parents assisting in the work of the farm until he reached his thirtieth year. He then began farming for himself in Wisconsin, where he remained until 1888, when he came to Colorado, which at that time was very wild and undeveloped. He bought the improvements on a pre-emption claim, which is his present ranch, and has greatly developed it. Of the two hundred acres seventy can be easily cultivated and are in alfalfa, hay, potatoes and other farm products and the cattle industry is also carried on extensively. He is thrift and progressive in his business and controls it in such a way as to make every hour of time and every ounce of energy count to its advantage, and he carries the same spirit into his connection with the local affairs of the community, in which he takes a deep and intelligent interest. In the fall of 1863 he was married to Miss Mary Leonhardy, and they have had seven children, one of whom, a son named Paul, died on May 19, 1895. The six living are Ursula, wife of Olaf Larsen, of New Castle, Colorado; Edward J.; Anna, wife of H.C. Jessup; Frank, Oscar and Conrad. All the members of the family belong to the German Reformed church, and all the voters are independent of party control in politics.

Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.

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