Biography of Marshall James Nuckolds

Marshall James Nuckolds has special interest for the readers of this work in the fact that he is a native of the state of Colorado and has passed the whole of his life so far within its limits, drawing vigor from its sources of inspiration, getting intellectual development and culture in her seats of learning, and practicing the inspiring duties of citizenship as part of her body-politic and a participant in her beneficent civil institutions. He was born at Denver on March 9, 1870, and is the son of Emmet and Maria Nuckolds, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Nebraska. They located at Denver in 1860, and moved to Leadville in 1878. There the father dealt in feed and followed mining in conjunction until 1895, when the family moved to Pueblo, where he opened a packing house which he is still conducting with gratifying success and increasing profit. He is a Democrat in political faith and ever ready to render effective service in the campaigns of his party. They have had four children, one of whom is dead, a son named Isaac. The three living are Harvey, living at Pueblo and manager of the packing house; Marshall J., living near Rifle, Garfield county; and Israh, at Pueblo. Their mother died on May 17, 1875. Marshall attended the public school at Leadville, held in a little log shanty, far from weatherproof and largely devoid of comforts and conveniences of every kind necessary for its purpose. It was the first school opened there, and uncanny in appearance as it was, and primitive in equipment and scope, was yet a source of pride to the community and of profit to its younger members. Subsequently he pursued a course of business training at the Denver Business College. At the age of seventeen he began to make his own living, working as a ranch hand until 1893. During the next ten years he had charge of the cattle for the packing company at Pueblo, serving in this connection ten years. In 1903 he took up the ranch of one hundred and sixty acres which he now owns and works, eighty acres of which are under cultivation. The water supply for this ranch is the best in the vicinity, and in return for his persistent and skillful labor on it the land yields an abundance of everything grown in the neighborhood. He also raises cattle in numbers and some horses. In politics he is an earnest and working Democrat, and in fraternal life belongs to the order of Elks. In his business he is prosperous and progressive; in reference to local affairs involving the welfare of the community is enterprising and public-spirited; and in social circles has a strong hold on a host of admiring friends. He is one of the rising men of his section and is generally esteemed as a broad-minded, intelligent and upright citizen.

Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.

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