Biography of Theodore Rosenberg

Thoroughly educated in some of the best technical schools of his native land and acquiring breadth of knowledge and artistic skill through practical experience in his work, Theodore Rosenberg, of Glenwood, has been a valuable assistant to the people of his locality in developing its resources, building up its interests and promoting its conveniences and public improvements. He was born in Vienna, Austria, on May 10, 1845, and is the son of Paul and Fannie (von Stein) Rosenberg, the father native at Landau and the mother at Duerkheim. The father served in the Austrian army. He died in 1863, as a retired general, and the mother is still living at her old Vienna home. They had a family of eleven children, six of whom are living. Their son Theodore received an excellent education, both general and technical. He attended the common schools, a Latin school, the military academy four years and the Vienna University and the Polytechnic School. In 1871 he began practice as a civil engineer, and since then has followed this line of work in connection with architecture, first at Vienna, then in England, where he passed eighteen months, and afterward in the United States, one year in New York, two in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts and one in Ohio. Meanwhile he made a trip to Colorado, and being pleased with the country, arranged his affairs in the East and returned to this state to remain in 1886, locating at Colorado Springs where he was engaged as architect for the Colorado Midland Railroad, and later in a similar position until 1889 was employed by the Glenwood Hot Springs Company. He was in charge of construction of the improvements made by that company and designed and constructed a number of long span bridges for the state and several counties. In politics he is a Democrat. He has been three times elected county surveyor, holding that position at this time (1904). On September 8, 1880, he was married to Miss Theresa Dietrich, a native of Massachusetts and daughter of Peter and Theresa (Franzen) Dietrich, who were born in Germany. The father was a millwright and contractor, and he died in 1900. The mother now lives at Northampton, Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenberg have four children, William, Karl, John and Helen. They are well pleased with Colorado and the opportunities for advancement it has furnished them, and having made good use of their time here, they stand high in the public estimation and have a host of cordial and admiring friends.

Source: Bowen, A. W. Progressive Men of Western Colorado. Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co., Publishers. 1905.

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